If you think your job is hard raead this
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
I love my music and my job / hay and if you wont to play a fun game just past and copy this link and play its awsome if you like rpg,s see you there.http://world4.monstersgame.co.uk/?ac=vid&vid=47097 547
People that i know and im always looking to meat new ones to and make new friends.Oh yea and some words for thought.
Like I said I play bass guitar plus guitar and drumbs oh and hears a clip of the band im in
plaing live at phatzoes befor it closed in december of 2006.. width="425" height="350" ..Oh yea i finaly made the cover woot.
Make your own Zing!
this is good stuff rite hear im drunk and made the cover
Make your own Zing!
dont realy know what is new out its been so long since iv been out
whatch it all the time
dont realy read much unless im in the john lol
Fucking superman o yea i said it fucking superman but hay you cant leave out chuck noris he can kick supermans ass