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What would you do?

About Me

I like to change this box up often so let me think of something I haven't put in here yet...I'm a college graduate from SMSU (now MSU) with a Bachelor's in Hospitality and Restaurant Administration...Not sure if I want to pursue that major anymore. I think it's pretty hard to make one important decision when you're 21 or 22 that should define the rest of your life, so I'm not really sure I picked the right one for me. Not that I don't love people and all, I just feel that family and friends are very important and in the HRA industry-hotels and restaurants do not. :-) I have recently moved back in w/ my parents to save some moolah, and I'm about ready to move back out. Lol...They're great and all but I'm ready for my independence again. I've been fortunate enough to travel all over the country and to Canada and Mexico. However I wasn't able to make it Northeast and would LOVE to see South Carolina, Maine and New York. I'm a tropical loving girl and am having a hard time with brown trees and snow. I love to have fun and make memories. And it's important to question things in your life, not just go with society's norms or even your own norms. Recently I was told that I'm liberal-never really labeled myself as that but I think it's prob. accurate. Weird how other people may know stuff about you that you don't even know yourself...
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My Interests

My two puppies-Sissy (yellow lab) and Halle (chocolate lab)My family and friends are extremely important to me, I don't know how I'd get through the day without them. I love comfy clothes, watching movies, Desperate Housewives, talking to my peeps who live in Springfield or Kansas City, Sno-Caps (yum) and cute boys. Shopping's always good when I have the money for it. I don't like to be stressed out or running late for things-it's much better to be easy going in life. I like drinking a cold beer when it's hot outside and hot chocolate when it's cold. Acting crazy, 4-wheeling, riding wave runners, camping, fishing, old Saturday night live skits and Stewart on Mad TV, celebrating holidays and taking pictures. Playing w/ my new camera, music of every kind, dancing around my house (soon belly dancing!), dreaming about my own place again, being true to myself, chocolate and you!
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I'd like to meet:

Oprah Winfrey, Lucille Ball, Anne Frank, Walt Disney, Jesus, anybody that has influenced meGet MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!


..Let's see..There are so many but to name a few-Coldplay (THE best band ever!), The Beach Boys (yes I'm serious), Rascal Flatts, Ashlee Simpson, REO Speedwagon, Journey, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley, Michelle Branch, The Urge, Yellowcard, Lifehouse, Simon and Garfunkel, Billy Joel, Audioslave, AFI, Breaking Bejamin, Ciara, Dashboard Confessionals, Eric Clapton, Hawthorne Heights, Rihanna, Switchfoot, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I love 80's music and dance tunes that have a great beat...Pretty much anything!

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The Pursuit of Happyness was amazing, The Notebook! Father of the Bride is a classic, Failure to Launch, Where the Heart Is, Beaches, sappy movies, I also love the whole Oceans 11 & 12, Italian Job, National Treasure movies. Funny, dumb movies like Napolean Dynamite, National Lampoon's Vacation, John Tucker Must Die,Mean Girls and a whole bunch more


I LOVE Stewart on Mad TV! Check out my Rick! SNL skit, Amy Poehler is hilarious in it! Desperate Housewives and The Real Housewives of Orange County, MTV stuff, Dog the Bounty Hunter is so funny and his mullet cracks me up, The Real World, Oprah-not reruns though, I Love Lucy, Saved by the Bell reruns, other random stuff..


I love everything from those funny, 20-something fiction novels, to autobiographies on mass murderers and crazy psychos. I usually find a way to read the new, award winning books that everyone's talking about. "The Purpose Driven Life" is pretty inspirational. If you haven't read it, well you def. should. It'll give you a new view on your time on earth. Any Janet Evanovich books...I lovelovelove to go to vintage old bookstores and get new books for $1! I just finished: Best Friends, The Lovely Bones, The Secret Life Of Bees and My Friend Leonard. They're all great reads!


My mom and my grandparents. They've all been there for me in extremely tough times, I think they're my angels on earth.Jesus-He lived His life to die for us. Pretty amazing...Walt Disney-the innocence of a childThe majority of my friends. I choose to be surrounded by people who have endured odds, faced hard times and continue to be supportive to me when I need them. You can learn something from everyone in your life if you just listen.

My Blog


I just want to put a public statement on myspace, so my friends can see this and remind me when I start to longingly gaze at that cold Bud Light/Bud Select that I AM DONE GETTING WASTED! I am sa...
Posted by Jessika on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:28:00 PST

Virginia Tech.

I hope that everyone is saying a prayer for the families, friends and community involved in the Virginia Tech. Massacre. This horrible event is still unfolding as the media talks to more eyewitnesses ...
Posted by Jessika on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:58:00 PST

Hey, it's OK....2

 Here's the March edition of my favorite article...if you haven't read the previous one, scroll down through my blogs. ENJOY! Hey, it's OK.... change into your pajamas the second you get ho...
Posted by Jessika on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:56:00 PST

Check out this video: An Inconvenient Truth

Hey guys, this is the preview for Al Gore's movie on Global Waming..Please watch inconvenient truth Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Jessika on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:46:00 PST

Global Warming!

I just want everyone to REALLY be aware that global warming is real and is happening. It scares me but it does need to be brought out into the limelight so people focus on it, b/c if enough people ar...
Posted by Jessika on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 08:11:00 PST

Hey, it's OK.....

*This is my favorite column in Glamour Magazine and I thought I'd go ahead and type it up for all you non-subscribers to see. It's amazing and makes you feel like "Hey It's Ok..." :-) tell him ...
Posted by Jessika on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:05:00 PST


MAYBE   Maybe...God wanted us to meet the wrong peoplebefore meeting the right   one so that, when we finally meet the rightperson, we will know how to   be grateful for ...
Posted by Jessika on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:26:00 PST

The Pursuit of Happyness

What things make you happy? It's 2007 and I want to focus on surrounding myself with the positive things in life. This year will be better than last. That's my goal, b/c last year kind of sucked royal...
Posted by Jessika on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:32:00 PST

Pet Peeves-What's Your's?

Ok, here goes. I was just thinking about this one thing that drives me crazy and want to know yours too... I HATE when restaurants, hotels, stores, etc. have lights on their signs that are out! It loo...
Posted by Jessika on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:46:00 PST


  I love when people call me "jess". It means that they know me well enough for me to respond to that and not look at them like they're crazy. I think when peeps have a nickname or whatever, it m...
Posted by Jessika on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:06:00 PST