i LiKe tOo mEet FuNnie PeoPLe...NOt tOo piSsy all thE tiME...NOt tOo dRAmAtic eiTher..jUSh chillenz pOePle LykE mEehz...mAybE hAve sOmEThin in coMmon ..ioNoz...fun reLaXiN...bUh pEoPle whO hAs a FutuRe..LykE they kNOw whAt thEy're DoiNG in LIfe anD whAt thEir gOals Are..NOt the tYpE oPH pOtAto cOUcheS wHo dONt do shit..eSp. wHiLe thEy're youNg... wuDda tURn oFf! =P