My !nterests !nclude music,money,women,smoke!n and dr!nk!n.! l!ke to throw the football around once !n a wh!le.! also love spend!ng t!me w!th my fam-bam espec!ally my l!ttle bros and s!s's.! l!ve for them.When !m not w!th the fam!ly ! spend my t!me !n the stud!o record!ng slaps.! mean we make knock after knock,l!ke a jahova w!tness or some type of sh!t l!ke that.Thats real talk. !f you're one of the non-bel!evers just remember the name BuDdAh LoC aka LoCo the K!D Rep!n that XXX HOGG sh!t t!l !m dead...
BORN2R!ZEent. BABY!!!!Now bel!eve that.!ma get my MONEY reguardless...
WATCH ME NOW....I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Whoever wants to meet me.
That BAY sh!t...Man you already what !t !z.!f you dont then STEP YOUR GAME UP YOU B!TCH!!!WE take!n over th!s sh!t...FUCK!n FAGOT!!!!!!!!!!!
! watch 'em but !m always too blown to remember what the hell !t was about. But there's a few out there that ! l!ke,those are the one's that ! remember.
TV !s terr!ble and way over rated.! do watch the F!rst 48 though !ts on the TLC channel.They show real sh!t.The only th!ng good on TV !s sports.