Modern Plumbing Studios profile picture

Modern Plumbing Studios


About Me

We're a group of four filmmakers that make films. We're really cool. Chicks love us.

Satchell Drakes: Musical/artistic genius that knows no bounds. He can create anything that needs creating, and do it in a creative way. Voted most creative in Yearbook.

Tarun Kishan Devnani: Like the piece of the cake that tastes the best but is the hardest to get to. Tarun likes being able to describe himself as Tarun, hard to explain him especially when he's writing his own bio in third person. Voted Most Outgoing in Yearbook.

Matt The Crushinator Garth Delcalso: Yes that's his real name. More like the quiet beast lurking in the corner of MPS, but full of amazing ideas and ways to implament them. Known to associate with the Crocshler. Voted Best Hair in Yearbook.

Kevin Michael Martin: Generically the most eccentric out of all of us. Easist to pick out in a crowd cause he'll probably be doing something to draw attention. Voted Loudest in Yearbook.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Real Mr. Ravitz.


MR. Ravitz, Mr. Sussman, Godzilla, Chuck Norris, Academies@Englewood Class of '06.