Yeah, any spare time I have I sleep. Three dogs, a husband and three jobs; that will do in a person. When I am not sleeping I love to read (which makes me fall asleep), and catch up on shows I DVR'd (which makes me fall asleep).
My IPOD. Lotsa DB - don't worry about that! Just added some Johnny Cash and Bikini Kill though.
My all time favorite is the Princess Bride. This probably seriously dates me but oh well. I am lucky that my hubby digs chick flicks (don't tell anyone) so we will spend an evening watching movies like How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days and stuff like that.
ER is my fave - but I like Grey's Anatomy and anything "investigative" - Law & Order, CSI, Bones... all those type of shows.
Once again I will read pretty much anything. I do like classic literature (I did major in English!) and Sylvia Plath. I like women writers - Sandra Cisneros, Gloria Steinem, Isabel Allende, Toni Morrison - I also majored in women's studies.
My dad (war hero). My husband (Alaska Crab fisherman. You know that takes balls. And he did it for aboout 10 years before the Discovery Channel documentary made it so popular and that makes him even cooler. Not to mention that he is so tough he once crabbed in the Bering Sea BUTT-ASS NAKED. And, the people who know him can honestly say is one crazy... mofo. People always tell me that they are surprised he is still alive. That is simply because I love him for exactly who he is). Me - well, come on! I work three jobs, take good care of my husband and dogs, and manage to look good while I do it! Really, I can be my own hero without being arrogant can't I? Those who know me also know that I am really humble too.