Hair, Makeup, Art, Dustin,
Shoes, MAC, Tanning,
Dancing, Tattoos, Coffee,Summer,
Movies, Shopping, Painting,
Photography, Magazines, Reading,
Friends, Weekends,
Concerts, Halloween,Text Messaging,
Fashion, Ice Cream, Running,
Photos, Laughing my ass off
anything that will make you vomit in your girlfriend's lap
Lost is the best show ever, Greys Anatomy, Heros,Desperate Housewives,Prison Break,Top Chef,Family Guy
But I really don't watch much TV besides that
I love books one my my favorites is I hope they serve beer in hell by Tucker Max .I love Gregory Maguire books Wicked, Son Of a Witch, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and Mirror Mirror. I love any books that have to do with fashion, makeup, and throwing amazing parties like InStyle Parties, InStyle Instant Style, InStyle Weddings, InStyle Getting Gorgeous, Kevin Aucoin books, The Beauty Buyble, Allure Confessions of a Beauty Editor,The Black Book of Hollywood Beauty Secrets, City Chic.
pirates and dustin