Soul-stealing, Sidewalk-surfing, Resale-boutiquing, Globe-trotting, Text-messaging, and just rattling down the street.
Mental Health
-When I got the music, I got a place to go. Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Jefferson Airplane, Neil Young, Lucinda Williams, Bobby D, The Velvet Underground (w/out Nico), The Cure, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, David Allan Coe, The Pixies, The Clash, The White Stripes, David Bowie, Iggy and The Stooges, Manu Chau, Vincentico, Tom Petty, The Faint, Social Distortion, The Rolling Stones, Clap Your Hands And Say Yeah!, The Black Angels, The Walkmen, Leonard Cohen, PULP And anything playing in the L.E.S. rock and roll bars.
Bad Lieutenant, Wild At Heart, Apocalypse Now!!!, Blue Velvet, Fight Club, Edward Scissor Hands, True Romance, City of God, The Big L (obviously), Happiness, Lost In Translation, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Buffalo 66, Truth or Consequences, N.M., High Art, King Of New York, Scarface, Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, The Warriors, The Thin Red Line.
The thing about TV is, well it's a catch 22. You see, watching loads of TV keeps you fastened to your seat and keeps you in, so you're not out doing the things your mamma told you not to do, and doing said things leads you to a point where if you don't just sit home and watch TV, you're gonna get yourself into some kind of trouble. To me, watching T.V. is not a recreational activity, it is strictly rehabilitational... correctional and/or medicinal.
Tropic of Cancer, Tropic Of Capricorn, Junky, Queer, The Razors Edge, Of Human Bondage, The Magus, Catcher in the Rye, Slaughterhouse Five, The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Dune, On The Road, Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates, Still Life with a Woodpecker, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Catch 22, Lord Of The Rings, Please Kill Me, The Dark Tower, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
My shadow. Physically and figuratively, however; not egotistically.