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Get To Know Me Better by shalina_s
Name:: Marcus
Height:: 6'1
Birthday:: december 18th
Birthplace:: south carolina
Song:: differences by ginuweine
Food:: pizza
Color:: blue
Car:: corvette
Season:: summer
Holiday:: christmas
Animal:: dog
Day of the week:: friday
Things to do on the weekend:: movies n hangout with friends
Brand:: south pole
Saying:: what
Drink;: sprite
Soap:: axe
Smell:: sweet
Shampoo:: axe
Sound:: boom
Thing to do in your spare time:: watch tv talk on the phone
Place:: myrtle beach
***10 Things you dislike***
1.: school
2.: backstabbers
3.: bitches
4.: liars
5.: school
Movie you watched:: pirates of the caribbean 3
Person you went to the movies with:: laura stephen hannah n morgan
You ate:: pizza n fries
You drank:: oj
Read:: magizine
Place you went:: movies n pool
Song you listened to:: buy u a drank
Showered:: yesterday
Washed your car:: idk
Danced in the rain:: last year
Person you told i love you:: laura
You got sick: now
Got in a fight:: never
Said i am sorry: yesterday
Wrote a song/poem:: 2 weeks ago
Got hurt:: 2 weeks ago
Gave someone a compliment:: everyday
Prayed:: lastnight
Who is your best friend:: jared n jacob
Are you close with your parents:: sometimes
Parents still married:: no
Any kids:: yea
Siblings:: yea
Married:: no
Car/s:: yea
***Do you***
Trust people:: yea
Fall in love easy:: yea
Believe in love at first sight:: no
Believe in god:: yea
Believe in second chances:: yea
Believe in shooting stars:: no
***Have you ever***
Told someone you love them and not mean it:: yea
Loved someone it hurt:: yea
Made someone cry:: yea
Hit someone in anger:: yea
Had a car accident:: no
Took the chance and told someone how you felt not knowing what they felt:: yea
Wished on a star:: no
Done something you swore you would never do:: yea
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Mis forMellow
Ais forAmbitious
Ris forRelaxing
Cis forClever
Uis forUnforgettable
Sis forSporty
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