I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
Y3@ wh@t it do My$p@c3!!! W3ll to giv3 @ lil info @bout m3, My n@m3 is J'M@ri3 @nd I liv3 in th3 314 ($t. Loui$). I @m @ fr3shm@an in **COLL3G3**!!! @bout @ month @go I turn3d 18. Y3@ Im fin@lly L3G@L!!! Not th@t my @g3 h@$ 3v3r $topp3d m3.(LOL)8ut @nyw@y$ my lif3 h@$ h@d it$ up$ and down$,83c@us3 of thing$ th@t w3r3 und3r my controll @nd thing$ th@t w3r3'nt. $o 83c@us3 of thos3 tr@il$ @nd tribul@tion$ I ju$t t@ke lif3 d@y by d@y.@t thi$ point in tim3 I am $INGL3. I'm not r3@lly s3@rching for @ r3l@tion$hip, but if I w3r3 to find $om3on3 I would'nt compl@in. If th3r3 is @nything th@t u w@nn@ know @bout ju$t hit m3 up @nd @sk.
My Interests
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