**AmBeeZee oF New Era** profile picture

**AmBeeZee oF New Era**

YeaH, i ThinK i'm aLL DaT - CuZ i Am a DymePiecE!!! ChecK OwT My Face & My WaisT & My EduCaT

About Me

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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsSooo U wanna kno about ME?? WeLLLL, What do u really wanna kno??? Huh???? Let me jus start off by sayin Good Morning America & HeLLo WorLD - itz ur gyrl - gyrl, urz truly, Mizz Amber Dominique Bessard!!!! But if u'd like U CouLd Jus caLL Me AmDBeezy!!! I'm grown & super fuckin sexy!!! LiteraLLy!!! I'm as SweeT as CaraMeL - I'm kinda Sumthin Like an AuTHenTic SouTHerN BeLLe!!! I Luv it When city FoLkz KaLL Me KounTrY!!! But ummmm, inside of the beautiful body therez a sexier soul!!! A personality that iz off the chain, a sense of humor that iz sumtymez more korny than funny, i'm jus hard body chic - thatz reaLLy More Compassionate than CupiD HimSeLf - NoT FunnY Huh??? LOL!!! NeverTheLess, OveraLL i'm tha REALEST person U could ever meet!!! & iF ur a ReaL Person i'LL aLwaYz Take tha Tyme OwT 2 AcKnowLedge U!!!! What I don't understand about sum folkz is that they'll try 2 figure u out - Jus 4 tha record people... I can't b figured out - u jus gotta get 2 kno me!!!!Oooook, NEXT - i'm a class of 2oo4 graduate of Abbeville High Scool n Abbeville, LA!!! I now attend Southern University n Baton Rouge, LA - Here i'm studying Mass CommuniCaTionZ with a minor n Foreign language, thereafter graduating college I plan 2 put my bachelorz degree n work INTERNATIONALLY - that meanz globally - thatz meanz i'm fixin 2 b World Wide az if i'm not WORLDWIDE already!!! Bytch I might B!!!2 All tha guyz, this is tha best part!!!! My relationship status.... Drumroll please.... I am soooo fuckin SINGLE!!!! I jus haven't found tha right guy yet - dozenz of prospectz, biLLionz of ReJecTz - but tha dude i give my ALL 2 has got 2 b tha total package!!!Now when it cumz down 2 friendz, I have very few!!! who knowz why??? If u've been blessed with the chance 2 hang out with me b4 - prehapz u've Taken @ advantage of me &; ThaTz y we don't HanG ouT anymore or MayB ur a BiT InTiMDaTed, JeaLous, r EnviouS ((who Kno'z???)) Whateva tha CasE MayB itz DefiniTeLy Ur Loss, NeverTheLess, I know that u can honestly say - without any PossiBLe hestitation, that i'm tha koolest person that u've ever been around & therez nothin fraudulent about my personality!!! I'm me & ThaTz aLL tha FucK i Can B - iT iZ What iT iZ ByTcHeZ!!!! & ThiS ABouT Me PorTion of MySpace n Itz EnTireTy Iz CerTainLy 100% AdeQuaTe & FacTuaL, EffecTive & EfficenT!!!! & It Whuz BoughT 2 u OfficiaLLy By BaD ByTcH EnT. & U Kno ThaT!!! Now... back 2 Ur ScheduLed PrograMMing!!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Amber
Age?: 20
Height?: 5' 4"
Weight?: Wouldn't u like 2 kno
Birthday?: August 29th, 1986 Bytch i'm an 80'z babY
Birthplace?: Hamiliton Hospital now Southwest Medical Center in Lafayette, LA
Current Location?: HoLLyRouGe JiGG CiTy This tha DO IT BIG CiTy... Baton Rouge
School/Grade?: Southern University A & M College/ Classification JUNIOR - which meanz ya'll have 1 more year 2 get on my level!!
Zodiac Sign?: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Fire Tiger
Righty or Lefty?: Right!!
Haircolor?: Ummmmm, when i figure that out i'll let u kno!!
Eyecolor?: Brown
Skin Color?: Sweet Redd
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Single parent/Sole provider - My beautiful mother!!! Sperm donar/Deadbead - My Father (i suppose), 1 lyl brother - he'z my world!!!
Any Pets?: Nooo
If So What Are They?:
Favorite Relative?: Grandma
Least Favorite Relative?: I won't go there with the MySpace Audience!!
What's Your Heritage/Race?: I'm a SexXxy, yet successful African American Woman!!
Political Affilation?: Democrat!!! Fuck Bush!!
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: I ain't gay, I jus Luv 2 PlaY & Luv 2 screw Alot!!
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Noooo - sum niggaz don't appreciate humble, goal - oriented, humorous, yet sooo sexual, bytchez like ME!!!
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?: Ohhh LOVE - Fuck being n luv!!!
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Nahhhhhh!!!
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: {whistling!!!}
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: Don't recall!!!
Virgin?: I'm sooooo Celebant!!!! r @ least u wish i was!!! But i'm still Wifey Material!!
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: Ooooooh - ya'll wanna kno 2 much info!!!
Was It Enjoyable?: NoPe!!!!!!! However, every otha experience with sex thereafter was quite worth that fuck up!!!!
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: Thatz a Broad question that u'll b getting no answer 2!!
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: All over!!
Best Love Quote?: Our true identity is to love without fear and insecurity!!! Men lie, Women Lie, FeeLingz don't
Your Friends
Best?: Sharioka Phills
How Many Do You Have?: Very few
More Guys Or Girls?: Niggaz - ByTcHez 2 often tend 2 b phony & fraudulent!!
Love Them All?: Yep
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Sum - but hey!!!! Lyfez lyfe!!
Oldest?: Shari P
Newest?: I met a lot of new folkz 2day!!
Pen Pal?: I don't write any 1 - r communicate with any1 through ink!!
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: A nigga gettin locked up, doin' tyme in tha pen!!
Flower: Remember when we used 2 wear them flowerz on our hair & flip flopz!!
Pink: Too gyrlie!!!!
Window: Knowing that lifez 2 short 2 get sidetracked by HaTaz - thatz my WINDOW 2 success!!!
Heart: I wish i had a heart!!!
Mother: She'z my inspiration
Bread: Kan't see myself without it - i goTTa get it!!
Insane: ME!!!!
Sunglasses: Dolce & Gabanna
Pimp: I try NOT 2 b!!
Cross: that line!!!! I guarantee u they'll b nuthin 2 save u!!!!!
Lonely: NexT question!!!
Car: WaTcH ME
Music: Versatile - i got a good ear 4 it!!!!
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: - BoXerZ
Thongs or G-Strings?: I like 2 b PANTY free!!!!
Shorts or Pants?: Shortz r too Revealing!!!! LOL!!!
Shoes or Barefeet?: Stilletoez!!!!!
Books or Movies?: Bookz r nice, sumtymez the best part of a book isn't n tha movie! NeverTheLess, this generation was made 2 take tha easy out - soooo i'd prefer 2 catch the movie!!!!
Night or Day?: Nite!!
Dark or Light?: Don't matter!!
Mountains or Beach?: I'd like 2 take a trip 2 tha Caribbeanz!!!
Snow or Sun?: SunnY!!!!
Pepsi or Coke?: Alwayz Coca Cola!!
Guys or Girls?: Niggaz Lie, ByTcHez Lie, ReaLness won't!!!
Swim or Surf?: SwiM - i like 2 b WeTT!!!
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: Let them people do what the fuck they wanna do!!!
Abortion?: Sumtymez 2 gotta do whatz best!!!
Bush Getting Re-elected?: Fuck Bush!!!!
Suicide?: Str8 stupid!!!
War?: What iz it good 4 - absolutely nuthin!!!!
Pants?: Ummmmmm..... Imagine everbody walkin around freely!!!! NOW, wake up!!!
Clothes In General?: Itz kool 2 b naked but damn???
Penises?: {Applause}
Color?: Lime GreeN
Number?: 1
Holiday?: My Birthday!!!
Season?: SuMMeR TyMe
Movie?: Playaz KluB
Book?: Anything zaNe wrote!!!
Magazine?: Cosmopolitian
Food?: Sausage & Potatoez!!
Drink?: Margrita with a shot of Tangurey & salt on tha Top!!
TV Show?: Desperate Housewivez!!!!
Song?: ohhh sooo many!!
Band?: tha Hot Boyz - Man I mizz my Dawgz!!!
Computer Game?: Solitaire
Video Game?: Madden 2oo7 - yeah right!!! I don't play video gamez!!!
Anime/Manga?: DragonBall Z!!! LOL!!!!
Shirt?: Anything thatz flattering!!!
Pants?: Same as Above!!
Actor?: DenZeL!!!
Actress?: HaLLe!!!
Singer?: BeYonCe!!!
Flower?: FloweRz - who karez!!!
Scent?: Amber
Animal?: - no preference!!
Cookie?: Oreoz
The Future
Want To Go To College?: Check - i'm almost done with that!!
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Balllin... I mean An International Realtor!!!
Want To Get Married?: U can catch me @ tha AlTer when i'm dead!!!
Want To Have Kids?: Nahhhh - i'm str8 - i lie yeah i guess i'll have 1 of them bastardz!!!
What Would Their Names Be?: Oooooook - u makin wanna change my mind 'bout even havin 1 of them muthafuckaz!
How Many?: i quit!! 1
Where Do You Want To Live?: On the South Side of France!!!
Where Do You Want To Get Married?:
How Do You Want To Die?: Ooooook - i have it all plan out - i kno the place & everything... thatz a JerK azz Question!!
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: Too many!!
Tattoos?: NoNe!!!
Smoke?: Blackz & Mary Jane 2 keep me Sane!!
Drink?: Alcoholic
Do Drugs?: Drug Free
Skinny Dip?: OooK
Greatest Fear?: Not succeeding
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Go To Church?: I should!!! i pray - not a s often as I should but i do!! God knowz my strengthz!!!
Religion?: Catholic
Scars?: Few
CDs Owned?: People b Jackin a nigga & shyt!!
Collections?: Shoez & Accessoriez!!!!!!!
Like To Be Naked?: Yezzer!!!
Ever Eaten Sushi?: I think i'm going 2 vomit....
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: N like 2 dayz!!
Been On Stage?: Yes!!
Danced In The Rain?: itz fun!!
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: {whistling}
Weirdest Dream?: U really wanna kno??
Best Dream?: I bet u wanna kno!!
Saddest Dream?: I prefer 2 not share that!!
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: If i tell u then it definitely won't cum true!!
Think You're Attractive?: I kno i'm a lyl hoTT piece - & I'm not arrogant i'm confident!!
Shoplifted?: No way!!!
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Yes!!!!! LOL!!!
Weirdest Makeout Place?: Nuthin was weird about it!!!
Like Thunderstorms?: Sumtymez!!!
Favorite Shoes?: I luv all my shoez!!
Favorite Quote?: "I Train Bytchez 2 show ALL u Lame ByTcHez u ain't HoTT!"
Best Advice Given?: I can't give advice untile i take my own!!
Worst Advice Given?: I don't - i make suggestionz!!!
Favorite Song Lyric?: "...I neva took it up tha Azz, often tried but i'll pass. & from what i heard it ain'T badd!" - Trina
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: "Lifez too short 4 Regretz!!!!"
Glad This Is Over?: Hell Yeah!!!!
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You make me smile because... by xLiL PreP1x
Your Laugh .... Makes me laugh
Your Smile ... Is inspired
Your eyes ... Shine with the stars
Your scent is.... Exotic
Your lips are... Beautiful
Your hair .... Shines with a perfect balance
Your friendship .... Is Trusting
Your hug ... Makes me feel safe
Your kiss ... Always makes me ask for more
Your love .... Outta this world!
You ..... are one of a kind!