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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsSooo U wanna kno about ME?? WeLLLL, What do u really wanna kno??? Huh???? Let me jus start off by sayin Good Morning America & HeLLo WorLD - itz ur gyrl - gyrl, urz truly, Mizz Amber Dominique Bessard!!!! But if u'd like U CouLd Jus caLL Me AmDBeezy!!! I'm grown & super fuckin sexy!!! LiteraLLy!!! I'm as SweeT as CaraMeL - I'm kinda Sumthin Like an AuTHenTic SouTHerN BeLLe!!! I Luv it When city FoLkz KaLL Me KounTrY!!! But ummmm, inside of the beautiful body therez a sexier soul!!! A personality that iz off the chain, a sense of humor that iz sumtymez more korny than funny, i'm jus hard body chic - thatz reaLLy More Compassionate than CupiD HimSeLf - NoT FunnY Huh??? LOL!!! NeverTheLess, OveraLL i'm tha REALEST person U could ever meet!!! & iF ur a ReaL Person i'LL aLwaYz Take tha Tyme OwT 2 AcKnowLedge U!!!! What I don't understand about sum folkz is that they'll try 2 figure u out - Jus 4 tha record people... I can't b figured out - u jus gotta get 2 kno me!!!!Oooook, NEXT - i'm a class of 2oo4 graduate of Abbeville High Scool n Abbeville, LA!!! I now attend Southern University n Baton Rouge, LA - Here i'm studying Mass CommuniCaTionZ with a minor n Foreign language, thereafter graduating college I plan 2 put my bachelorz degree n work INTERNATIONALLY - that meanz globally - thatz meanz i'm fixin 2 b World Wide az if i'm not WORLDWIDE already!!! Bytch I might B!!!2 All tha guyz, this is tha best part!!!! My relationship status.... Drumroll please.... I am soooo fuckin SINGLE!!!! I jus haven't found tha right guy yet - dozenz of prospectz, biLLionz of ReJecTz - but tha dude i give my ALL 2 has got 2 b tha total package!!!Now when it cumz down 2 friendz, I have very few!!! who knowz why??? If u've been blessed with the chance 2 hang out with me b4 - prehapz u've Taken @ advantage of me &; ThaTz y we don't HanG ouT anymore or MayB ur a BiT InTiMDaTed, JeaLous, r EnviouS ((who Kno'z???)) Whateva tha CasE MayB itz DefiniTeLy Ur Loss, NeverTheLess, I know that u can honestly say - without any PossiBLe hestitation, that i'm tha koolest person that u've ever been around & therez nothin fraudulent about my personality!!! I'm me & ThaTz aLL tha FucK i Can B - iT iZ What iT iZ ByTcHeZ!!!! & ThiS ABouT Me PorTion of MySpace n Itz EnTireTy Iz CerTainLy 100% AdeQuaTe & FacTuaL, EffecTive & EfficenT!!!! & It Whuz BoughT 2 u OfficiaLLy By BaD ByTcH EnT. & U Kno ThaT!!! Now... back 2 Ur ScheduLed PrograMMing!!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Amber
Age?: 20
Height?: 5' 4"
Weight?: Wouldn't u like 2 kno
Birthday?: August 29th, 1986 Bytch i'm an 80'z babY
Birthplace?: Hamiliton Hospital now Southwest Medical Center in Lafayette, LA
Current Location?: HoLLyRouGe JiGG CiTy This tha DO IT BIG CiTy... Baton Rouge
School/Grade?: Southern University A & M College/ Classification JUNIOR - which meanz ya'll have 1 more year 2 get on my level!!
Zodiac Sign?: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Fire Tiger
Righty or Lefty?: Right!!
Haircolor?: Ummmmm, when i figure that out i'll let u kno!!
Eyecolor?: Brown
Skin Color?: Sweet Redd
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Single parent/Sole provider - My beautiful mother!!! Sperm donar/Deadbead - My Father (i suppose), 1 lyl brother - he'z my world!!!
Any Pets?: Nooo
If So What Are They?:
Favorite Relative?: Grandma
Least Favorite Relative?: I won't go there with the MySpace Audience!!
What's Your Heritage/Race?: I'm a SexXxy, yet successful African American Woman!!
Political Affilation?: Democrat!!! Fuck Bush!!
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: I ain't gay, I jus Luv 2 PlaY & Luv 2 screw Alot!!
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Noooo - sum niggaz don't appreciate humble, goal - oriented, humorous, yet sooo sexual, bytchez like ME!!!
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?: Ohhh LOVE - Fuck being n luv!!!
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Nahhhhhh!!!
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: {whistling!!!}
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: Don't recall!!!
Virgin?: I'm sooooo Celebant!!!! r @ least u wish i was!!! But i'm still Wifey Material!!
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: Ooooooh - ya'll wanna kno 2 much info!!!
Was It Enjoyable?: NoPe!!!!!!! However, every otha experience with sex thereafter was quite worth that fuck up!!!!
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: Thatz a Broad question that u'll b getting no answer 2!!
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: All over!!
Best Love Quote?: Our true identity is to love without fear and insecurity!!! Men lie, Women Lie, FeeLingz don't
Your Friends
Best?: Sharioka Phills
How Many Do You Have?: Very few
More Guys Or Girls?: Niggaz - ByTcHez 2 often tend 2 b phony & fraudulent!!
Love Them All?: Yep
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Sum - but hey!!!! Lyfez lyfe!!
Oldest?: Shari P
Newest?: I met a lot of new folkz 2day!!
Pen Pal?: I don't write any 1 - r communicate with any1 through ink!!
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: A nigga gettin locked up, doin' tyme in tha pen!!
Flower: Remember when we used 2 wear them flowerz on our hair & flip flopz!!
Pink: Too gyrlie!!!!
Window: Knowing that lifez 2 short 2 get sidetracked by HaTaz - thatz my WINDOW 2 success!!!
Heart: I wish i had a heart!!!
Mother: She'z my inspiration
Bread: Kan't see myself without it - i goTTa get it!!
Insane: ME!!!!
Sunglasses: Dolce & Gabanna
Pimp: I try NOT 2 b!!
Cross: that line!!!! I guarantee u they'll b nuthin 2 save u!!!!!
Lonely: NexT question!!!
Car: WaTcH ME
Music: Versatile - i got a good ear 4 it!!!!
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: - BoXerZ
Thongs or G-Strings?: I like 2 b PANTY free!!!!
Shorts or Pants?: Shortz r too Revealing!!!! LOL!!!
Shoes or Barefeet?: Stilletoez!!!!!
Books or Movies?: Bookz r nice, sumtymez the best part of a book isn't n tha movie! NeverTheLess, this generation was made 2 take tha easy out - soooo i'd prefer 2 catch the movie!!!!
Night or Day?: Nite!!
Dark or Light?: Don't matter!!
Mountains or Beach?: I'd like 2 take a trip 2 tha Caribbeanz!!!
Snow or Sun?: SunnY!!!!
Pepsi or Coke?: Alwayz Coca Cola!!
Guys or Girls?: Niggaz Lie, ByTcHez Lie, ReaLness won't!!!
Swim or Surf?: SwiM - i like 2 b WeTT!!!
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: Let them people do what the fuck they wanna do!!!
Abortion?: Sumtymez 2 gotta do whatz best!!!
Bush Getting Re-elected?: Fuck Bush!!!!
Suicide?: Str8 stupid!!!
War?: What iz it good 4 - absolutely nuthin!!!!
Pants?: Ummmmmm..... Imagine everbody walkin around freely!!!! NOW, wake up!!!
Clothes In General?: Itz kool 2 b naked but damn???
Penises?: {Applause}
Color?: Lime GreeN
Number?: 1
Holiday?: My Birthday!!!
Season?: SuMMeR TyMe
Movie?: Playaz KluB
Book?: Anything zaNe wrote!!!
Magazine?: Cosmopolitian
Food?: Sausage & Potatoez!!
Drink?: Margrita with a shot of Tangurey & salt on tha Top!!
TV Show?: Desperate Housewivez!!!!
Song?: ohhh sooo many!!
Band?: tha Hot Boyz - Man I mizz my Dawgz!!!
Computer Game?: Solitaire
Video Game?: Madden 2oo7 - yeah right!!! I don't play video gamez!!!
Anime/Manga?: DragonBall Z!!! LOL!!!!
Shirt?: Anything thatz flattering!!!
Pants?: Same as Above!!
Actor?: DenZeL!!!
Actress?: HaLLe!!!
Singer?: BeYonCe!!!
Flower?: FloweRz - who karez!!!
Scent?: Amber
Animal?: - no preference!!
Cookie?: Oreoz
The Future
Want To Go To College?: Check - i'm almost done with that!!
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Balllin... I mean An International Realtor!!!
Want To Get Married?: U can catch me @ tha AlTer when i'm dead!!!
Want To Have Kids?: Nahhhh - i'm str8 - i lie yeah i guess i'll have 1 of them bastardz!!!
What Would Their Names Be?: Oooooook - u makin wanna change my mind 'bout even havin 1 of them muthafuckaz!
How Many?: i quit!! 1
Where Do You Want To Live?: On the South Side of France!!!
Where Do You Want To Get Married?:
How Do You Want To Die?: Ooooook - i have it all plan out - i kno the place & everything... thatz a JerK azz Question!!
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: Too many!!
Tattoos?: NoNe!!!
Smoke?: Blackz & Mary Jane 2 keep me Sane!!
Drink?: Alcoholic
Do Drugs?: Drug Free
Skinny Dip?: OooK
Greatest Fear?: Not succeeding
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Go To Church?: I should!!! i pray - not a s often as I should but i do!! God knowz my strengthz!!!
Religion?: Catholic
Scars?: Few
CDs Owned?: People b Jackin a nigga & shyt!!
Collections?: Shoez & Accessoriez!!!!!!!
Like To Be Naked?: Yezzer!!!
Ever Eaten Sushi?: I think i'm going 2 vomit....
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: N like 2 dayz!!
Been On Stage?: Yes!!
Danced In The Rain?: itz fun!!
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: {whistling}
Weirdest Dream?: U really wanna kno??
Best Dream?: I bet u wanna kno!!
Saddest Dream?: I prefer 2 not share that!!
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: If i tell u then it definitely won't cum true!!
Think You're Attractive?: I kno i'm a lyl hoTT piece - & I'm not arrogant i'm confident!!
Shoplifted?: No way!!!
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Yes!!!!! LOL!!!
Weirdest Makeout Place?: Nuthin was weird about it!!!
Like Thunderstorms?: Sumtymez!!!
Favorite Shoes?: I luv all my shoez!!
Favorite Quote?: "I Train Bytchez 2 show ALL u Lame ByTcHez u ain't HoTT!"
Best Advice Given?: I can't give advice untile i take my own!!
Worst Advice Given?: I don't - i make suggestionz!!!
Favorite Song Lyric?: "...I neva took it up tha Azz, often tried but i'll pass. & from what i heard it ain'T badd!" - Trina
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: "Lifez too short 4 Regretz!!!!"
Glad This Is Over?: Hell Yeah!!!!
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