going to school,and doing something with my damn life. but also keeping in touch with friends, old and new, and spending time with my son
iSnT mY bAbY bEaUtIfUl?
i WoUlD KiLL 4 tHiS cHiCk..DaPhNeY dAwN
mY ♥ & 1 0f mY beSt friEndS..tRiCiA lYnn{mY moTheR}
i ♥ DeSe ByTcHeS rIGhT hErE!
mY gIrLs Be On DaT LiQuOR bitch...
Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts
Getting to know you!
Hello! What might your name be?: nichole RenE' (melancon) Godfrey
That's a pretty gay name, How old are you?: 19..but i'll be 20 on 2/11
Jeez, thats kinda old. Whats your favorite color?: peAch/black/PiNk
Do you know what time you were born?: ...i think it was in da morning..
What's your Dad's name?: (dont laugh)..Richmond Wayne Hardy
Where were you born?: Lou WeezE AnA (louisiana, if ya didnt get it)
What City are you in right now?: nOrFolK
What city would you like to be in?: im At home...wheRe i shoUld Be
Where is your favorite place in the whole wide world?: Lou WeezE AnA...*thaS hoMe #2*
Are you Bowlegged?: hell nAw
Do you have a big butt?: kiNdA sOrTa...who wants 2 kNoW?
Is that a bad thing?: hell 2 tha no
Are you in a relationship?: yep
If yes, With Who?: RoRy AnDreW GodFrey, SR.
Do you think you are sexy?: As SeXy As I WaNna Be
Who is the sexiest person in the world?: ...hmmm...
Haballama-This Or That-Wachanga
Top or bottom?: it dEpEnds...but I'll sAy TOP
Black or White?: BlAck
Yellow or Red?: hmm...thas tough, but i'll Say ReD
Pizza or Burgers?: piZZa
Male or Female?: im A female...but i luv my MAN
Fat or Thin?: ThiN
Hot or Cold?: HOT
Monkeys or Bananas?: b-A-n-A-n-A-s
Fish or Chicken?: chicKen
Christmas or Valentines Day?: ChRistMas
TV or Movies?: MoVieS
Single or Group Dates?: SinGle
South Park or Family Guy?: nEithEr
Rain or Sun?: Sun
Pizza hut or Dominos?: Pizza Hut
Walking or Running?: walking
Marines or Army?: Army
Marines are the best arnt they?: who knows?
Relationships or Single Life?: ..hmm..ReLaTioNships
To have kids or not to have kids?: kIds...i love my soN..RoRy A. Godfrey, Jr.
Have you ever been drunk and sat down to tinkle, but forgot to put the lid?: ..hmm..no Answer
What color is your toothbrush?: purple, how gay iS that?
Whens......' the last time you fell down?: christmas NighT...shhhh, dont tell nobody
Have you ever rolled around on an office chair?: yep
Have you ever been bucked off an non-living object?: nope
Dr. Phil or that black lady: who Is Tha Black lady?...i guess i'll go w/ Dr. Phil
Are you racist?: hell NO
That......'s good. Who......'s going to win the superbowl?: i Sho donT cAre...
hahah yeah right! They suck!: ...OkAy..
What would you do if you woke up in the morning and your car was stolen?: cRy..b/c We NeEd our VehIcle
Really. Thats lame. Where do you work?: i DonT..hAhA..i OnlY go to school
Best Friend
Who's your best friend?: DaPhney DaWn PeteRs
He or She?: ShE
Why are they so cool?: tha bitch is cRaZy..so Am I
One memory you have together?: hmm..2 manY..buT i'll SaY toGa PaRty waS 1 of thA bEst
Do they make you laugh a lot?: hell YeAh
Would you take a bullet for them?: hell YeAh..but she'll have 2 take RoRo
Do you secretly have romantic feelings for them that they dont know about?: Ugghhh...yall ppls iS DISGUSTING...we R strictly Di**Ly
Do you call their parents Mom and/or Dad?: yep
What is their favorite color?: bLaCk
Do they have any siblings?: TuTu...anD a whoLe bunch of SiSteRs..
When is their birthday?: May 26
How old are they?: 19
What do they drive?: AnYthIng/EvERything
Do they work?: hmmm...BYTCH, shE PAID, thas all I goTTa sAy
Since I didnt really ask- YOUR LOVER-
Who is your lover?: RoRy
How old are they?: 20
What is it about them that you love?: smile
Explain their personality-: meAn, but lOvIng...jus lyke mE
What color are their eyes?: brown
Hair?: black
What is their body type?: MediUm buIld
Are they a virgin?: hell no
Thats cool.: Yep
Would you give your life for them?: hmmm..
Would they give their life for you?: hmmm..YeP
Farewell Questions
What time is it?: 6:24pm
What are you doing today?: spending time w/ my HusBand/child
Is that a bad thing?: hell no
Alrighty. How is the weather?: cold..& it Was SnoWing a little
Has it snowed lately?: yep
What color is your shirt?: gRaY
Are you wearing socks?: nope
What are the names of your pets?: i HaVe nOne
Do you shampoo your hair twice in the shower?: shampoo/conditioner
Do you think emo is hot?: EmO?
Its gay isnt it? Yes it is.: ???
What do you think of Tyra Banks?: sHe's An inSpirAtion 2 many
How about American Idol?: i fucking love it..
Did you know 90% of the US watched the first show of it this year?: thas inTeReSting
Thats 50% more people then everyone that votes for the president.: ThAt suCks...VoTinG is IMPORTANT ppl..
Weird huh?: yeP
Have a nice day =): thAnk YoU
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b/C i HaTe ThIs DuDe So MuCh...I ♥ hIm...SoUnDs CrAzY, yEaH i KnOw...SoMeTiMeS i ThInK i Am.
Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts