Wine, friends, music, sailing, golf, exercising, reading, movies, parties, sleeping, altering my consciousness, road trips, driving, money, camping, night time, concerts, beer, random walks at 3 a.m with my drunk friends, the small moments that change you forever, and short stories, good people.test
My dream would be to meet a Southern Belle. lol But no, Id like to meet more people who understand where Im at, and less people who don't. Anyone who lives this life outside of the norm, who doesn't give into all the hypocritical bullshit and isnt worried about being judged. Anyone who blazes his or her own path, and never becomes another robot clone.
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Home in Santa Cruz at the Esplanade in Capitola..
Dubai, my next trip!
What house of 1000 corpses character are you?
Captain Spaulding
He seems like the all around good guy. He likes to play jokes, entertain all his guests at his
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