In no particular order (tho if you really know me then you can work it out yourself...) The wonderful Ruth, Kira my 'other' woman & Kes my little dude, Liverpool FC, Music, Films,Comedy, Sci-fi and generally living the life I was born to life (who knows what that's from??)....
Paul, Gene, Ace, Peter, Eric Carr (RIP), Dee Snider (I've met the rest of them) David Lee Roth, Kenny Dalglish and all those friends out there that I don't yet know...
I like Kiss,Kiss oh and a little more Kiss... plus few other bands too...Van Halen not van hagar but VAN HALEN ok?!?! Twisted Sister AC/DC, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Status Quo, Poison, Bon Jovi, Meatloaf, Motley Crue and loads of other such stuff.. Oh and 'RYNA' are rather good...they have a website here on myspace..check them out why don't YOU...
Not really any order but I'm partial to a bit of...SW: ANH, SW ESB, SW:RotJ (maybe RotS but the prequels are pretty crap) Flash Gordon, Tim Burton films (most of them anyway) Indiana Jones Trilogy (I just pray 4 is cool too) Kiss meets the Phantom of the Park(!!!), Superman 1 & 2, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins but none of the crappy Joel Schumacher ones...
Big glowing box in the corner of the living room.
Yep. I have lots of them. Read most of them, should read more though really...
Paul Stanley, David Lee Roth, Dee Snider, Ace Frehley and Kenny Dalglish.On a more personal note my mum & dad for being my mum & dad and being there when I/we need them.My bestest friend ever in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD Mr Beard. For what he's been through and for the fact he's still (reasonably)sane. Now he's a dad and what an ACE dad he is.I'd also like to add to this list Bex (Mrs Beard) as well cos she's cool too. Dealing with two mad blokes in her life (3 if you count me!)