oana profile picture



About Me

i am 29, i live alone with my french bulldog tacha, and ai am a PR specialist working in a real estate developer company, i speak currently french, english, italian and romanian

My Interests

Books, music, cinema, horses and i am very interested in politics and sociology

I'd like to meet:

new friends form all over the world. i ended month ago a 6 years relantionship and maybe i will find somenone nice and tender to talk to


different kind of music, i like u2, depeche mode, robbie williams, but i also listen french music ( i leaved in france for 5 years) i love celine dion and patricia kaas .


i love movies , good movies, i never liked SF and horror movies. one of my favorites are once upon a time in america, forrest gump, good will hunting, the gladiator


reading is one of my passions. I read very different types of book. Thrillers, novels, biography, historical books. I love Paulo Coelho, gabriel garcia Marquez, and the classic french literature.


i have only one hero, my father