Your Chocolate Fantasy...but can you handle it? profile picture

Your Chocolate Fantasy...but can you handle it?

What does sexy mean? Look in the Dictionary and look up my name!

About Me

Do you find yourself dealing with sleepless nights? Do you shiver, and get the shakes like Whitney Houston three days after her last fix? Do you feel like you find yourself pawnin other people's stuff, then helping them look for it like you don't know where it's at? If so, you may have Skylar Withdrawls. And you're not alone. Skylar Withdrawls are when you don't get your daily dose of But, there is a place you can go for help. There are Skylar Withdrawl Support Groups in YOUR AREA! Just look in your local Yellow Pages. But if you need a quick fix, just go to my Myspace page and get you a quick dose. Hey, the first hit's for free. ; )~Skylar Withdrawls Anonymous...Helping addicts get their daily dose of person at a time~I have relocated to Atlanta, GA to attend Morehouse College ( as of August 14, 2006!!! Peace up, A. Town down! And no freaky comments! I DO check my Myspace at work! KAISER PERMANENTE DON'T PLAY DAT!!! Nelly Furtado - No Hay Igual
Music Video Code provided by VideoCodes4U
How to make a skylar
1 part mercy
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts leadership
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Sky will go to jail for ...
Carrying around a gun shaped like a penis
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at

My Interests

Music, myself, food, shopping, myself, movies, myself....and myself! Oh, I'm just kidding! I'm really not that conceited...I'm convinced! LOL!
S Shaggy
K Kinky
Y Yummy
L Light
A Accurate
R Raw
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet cool, friendly, and nice people. In addition, I would love to meet anyone involved in the music, film, and writing fields. Though my major is in psychology, I am in search of any internships, part time jobs, or just volunteer work where I can get my production and marketing feet wet (maybe a lil more acting too!)A little about my Top 8 (arranged in no particular order!)1.) Cory- he is just so much like me! Except, he's a Light Bright and super tall, but we won't hold that against him, now will we? I love this boy with all of my heart. Madea said in the play "Madea Goes to Jail" that some people are meant to be in our lives for a season, and others a lifetime. I truly feel that this boy is meant to be in my life for a lifetime. 2.) Tamika- Now what can I say abou this girl!? She's just da bomb! She is super smart, will answer any question you have (even if she has to dumb down the answer so you get it!), and is just super cool all the way around! We gonna take the Union and MSCC by STORM!!! 3.) Aaron- A recent Myspace virgin I brought into the fold! LOL! But no, he's a cool guy that as attractive as he is, is an even better conversationalist. For some reason, I was intrigued by this boy, by his first e-mail to me. We've been the best of friends ever since. And I must give credit where it is most definitely due. He is the one who HOOKED UP my Myspace page! He's awesome and a half! 4.) Michael aka "Maiku"- Who's my Sexy Daddy!? You're my Sexy Daddy! Well, not really, but I love your Black ass all the same! 5.) Victoria- This girl is amazing. She's smart, funny, and her Tig Ol' Bitties could feed a small African nation. However, only the BEST men even get to CONTEMPLATE holding her hand, much less getting to see the "girls". So fellas, get some Act Right and back up off my girl! She truly is one of a kind! 6.) Jordan- He's been one of my best friends for years!!! That is, when he scribbles in time for me, in between his Various "Save the Trees," "Save the Rainforest," "Save Equality," and all his other Activist Thingy Ma-Jiggers! Lol! Love ya Jordan, but if I have to sit through one more Nun going on and on for 3 hours about her book...!!! 7.) Anthony-You sexy motha Sucka you!!! This boi is GORGEOUS in person!!! Finally, he's starting to realize that too, which makes me so happy! You are going to knock 'em dead in New York!!! 8.)Trevor aka "Hotsauce"- My lifesaver, my road dog, my homie that likes to stay the hell home errery damn night! But he's cool peoples. His room is HELLA cold, and he refuses to date bois in his age range, but you are not going to meet many men that are nicer than him! Now if we could only get his tail off of Myspace when he is supposed to be working!.) Jarrett- What can I say about my boi


I like all kinds of music from Aaliyah (we love you) to Linkin Park to Nelly to Christina Aguilera to Twista to Evanesence to...well, you get the picture.But I do have a question. Why does Ciara always make that face like she gotta boo boo or something everytime she dances? I mean really, just look at her face....all scrunched up. Who told her that was cute!?And when is Beyonce gonna give up that act that Destiny's Child is a group, and admit what it really excuse to not have to pay overtime to the two girls that always carry her bags!


RAY, Set it Off, Ray, What's Love Got to Do With It, Ray, The Grudge, Ray, and a whole lot of others. Did I mention Ray? I also LOVE Introducing Dorothy Dandrige, This Boy's Life, and Friday. As you can see, my movie tastes are very eclectic. However, I did fall asleep during Lord of the Rings 2! That mess was just TOO DANG LONG!!!!!!!!!!!

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Now that's just wrong. Ya'll know I'm allergic to books! Haha, just kidding. I love, love, LOVE the following books:

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The guy that invented the "Hot Now" sign at Krispy Kreme. Pure GENIUS!