Dr. Sprinkles profile picture

Dr. Sprinkles


About Me

Look at Dr. Sprinkles promo comic pages!
Offical "Vote for Sprinkles" buttons and magnets.
2.5 button - $2
1 inch button $1.50
2.5 inch magnet $2
Buy 10 and get a discount!
Only one design for now but more things to come!
Good things shouldn't be moderated; they should be shared with good friends!
The Concept of Dr. Sprinkles: The Alien Flea Comic-
The true concept behind Dr. Sprinkles strives to be more than just a two centimeter green alien that wants to dominate the world. The story concept molded itself from my hobby of reading, study, and research papers (yes that’s a hobby I enjoy).
Dr. Sprinkles through the story makes no claim to be anything more than a mad scientist. He himself starts as the story’s villain or rather his habits which reflect today’s gluttonous, dogmatic, “me first” society. Starting out as an escaped convict he takes refuge on Earth obsessing over his new favorite food; chocolate chip cookies.
As the story progresses this tiny flea with larger than life ideas begins his awareness of the surrounding people and problems. His selfish behavior slowly evolves into unconditional love. He uses his dream of taking over the world to uncover and accept the unique qualities of the town’s children. Which is demonstrated to many of the children. The children even evolve to demonstrate it themselves showing joy is contagious!
Additionally the comic also contains extra pages of cooking and nutritional facts to promote healthy living habits. More importantly there are craft projects and activities meant for getting families back together. This flea’s aloof ways teach his readers to accept difference as a good thing. His stories mean to teach your own unconditional so you can find the unique wonderful qualities in others.
Unfortunately, Dr. Sprinkles was created to never take over the world in his story, but thru his determination of an impossible dream inspires those around him never give up on true life desire; whatever they may be.

My Interests

Chocolate chip cookies, children's books, taking over the world, science, gizmos, inventing, sleeping
Look at Dr. Sprinkles Promo pages now!!
Go buy offical "Vote for Sprinkles" buttons and magnets!


I like radio; it talks.


The Day the Earth Stood Still, Dan Patch, Disney cartoons, Ghost(I cry everytime), Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fruits Basket


DISCLAIMER: Dr. Sprinkles is a 2007 copyright of Suzanne LeGrand . This is ONLY a fanbase account. Any theivery and the library of congress shall smite you.


The Prince, The Princessa, The Seven Habbits of Highly Effective People, The Five Love Languages of Children, The essential cookie baking book, Siddhartha, The Last Unicorn, Gulliver's Travels, The Little Prince, Alice in Wonderland, The Giving Tree, There's a Monster at the End of this Book!


Dr. Edward von Truffle

My Blog

New pictures

Some new art work from my creator!Keavy and  Noreo Grown uphttp://silentlily.deviantart.com/art/Noreo-Keavy-grown-up- 60137418Dr. Sprinkles Navigation Menuhttp://silentlily.deviantart.com/art/Dr-S...
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:29:00 PST


We just might be going hiatus for a few weeks. My creator got a new job =(. DOn't worry we'll get back on the ball soon!  
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:33:00 PST

Offical buttons and comic pages

You may view the Dr. Sprinkles promo pages with ease at http://www.comicspace.com/silentlily So far we have offical "Vote for Sprinkles" buttons and magnets. You can get your button at 2.5 inches fo...
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 05:17:00 PST

Comic book pages up

So my creator decided to finally post a portion of my comic book online. Check it out here =D http://silentlily.deviantart.com/
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 02:30:00 PST

My story concept (now on the home page)

The Concept of Dr. Sprinkles: The Alien Flea Comic- The true concept behind Dr. Sprinkles strives to be more than just a two centimeter green alien that wants to dominate the world. The story concept ...
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:23:00 PST

its nearing time

Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:16:00 PST

New Book

Everyone should check out a book called The Seven Habbits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey It just might change your life.
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:29:00 PST

New York Comic Con Appearance

I will be at New York Comic Con this Feb. 24 - 26th with my creator. We will release more information near the date. Come see me! http://www.nycomiccon.com/App/homepage.cfm?moduleid=2577& ;appname=1...
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:14:00 PST

The Contents of a Mad Scientist Suitcase

Today I was fiddling with my gadgetry when I realized I have yet to tell you all about my gadgets. Back home that is what the marvelous me was known for; though most failed to see such genius Dr. Mad ...
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:36:00 PST

New stuff added

So this myspace I have has finally been as you earthlings say "pimped out". Strangely on planet Bagel we use "pimpdee" as a word for a type of edible rock. The layout is rather nice but my creator is...
Posted by Dr. Sprinkles on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:11:00 PST