Hearing the Italain language. Geopolitics, literature, history, (I'm right brained) clean houses (now possible! thanks Italian women!), soul music from forty years ago, techno from 25 years ago, Fuck you I love the White Stripes anyway. Cheesesteaks... absence makes the heart grow fonder. But only with food. The Bike Church. Compulsively saving (saying) everything. Guava Preserves. My room not leaking - A rare but special pleasure. Storytime with Cris George. Yianni's prank calls (I celebrate his entire catalogue.)
A thousand people, I have no idea who they are yet. Hopefully many are native Valencianos.
James Brown's death followed less than 24 hours later by Gerald Ford's. Ray Charles gets the same treatment by Reagan. If GHWBush decides to eclipse Smokey Robinson I'm going to be pissed.
Borat sucked. Fuck you if you say otherwise. Plus, I'm a fascist.
is a telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance.
Don Quijote and a bunch of books on living, moving, and working in Spain.
This month's hero: Myself. I survived Fallas, I live in the coolest month of my life.