Music...Musik...Musiq...Muzik...EVERYTHING about It. Journalism...Politics...People...SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICESPIALI DOCIOUS (I hope I spelled THAT rite)
Folx ThaT Love the Lord and PuT him 1st!
R&B*Gospel*Hip-Hop*Jazz*Pop*Oldies(I Love Um)...O Yea and Starbucks Music (Lmao)
COMEDY--Anything that Mo'Nique & Tyler Perry iz In, Drama, Action, PORN...I study IT...NOT (IM SAVED) But for all of you gossipers that hunt for things to say, that was funny! On with The List...Musicals* & The Best For Last...DANCE MOVIES!!!
Reality TV...Even tho I dont believe some of these NAME IT SHOWS. Hell Date (BET) S.O.B. (BET)
Omar Tyree*Eric Jerome Dickey*Zora Neal Hurston*Langston Hughs*Zane(SHE NASTY...O BUT I LIKE IT)
My Two GrandFathers...Charles Evans & Pastor Steven E. Gilmore. My MOTHER (A STRONG BLACK WOMAN) My GrandMothers...Elaine A. Gilmore & Rise Davis. The Trinity...God (My Father) Jesus (HIS Son who Saved Me) & The Holy Spirit (The INVISIBLE presence that i can feel whom conforts Me...