Emilie profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Im Emilie! :)
sewing/making crafty stuff, flip-flops/sandals/wearing no socks in general except in sneakers, sugar free gum, TAB energy drinks, photography, anything fashion, the smell of freshly washed hair, the scent of white-out/gas/anything strong and toxic, haggard nights, banana and jolly rancher popsicles, sex, vodka beverages and red wine,exercising, WASTING MONEY, flee markets/antique shops, mango's and blackberries,laughing, experimenting/curiosity

being misunderstood, biting the inside of my cheek, getting eye hits, unreliable people, hangovers, cheap cigarettes, negative emotions, drinking milk, Belini/Brandy/Canadian club, fighting, reality tv

My Interests

mainly fashion, I also enjoy drinking myself stupid and various forms of art and music, I love to party and have good times, but I also really dig an intelligent meaningful conversation with smart/clever folks

I'd like to meet:

Good people, Babes, people who make me laugh


I really like underground hip hop, reggae is sexy..electro and techno can be really interesting. I also like indie rock and some metal...I enjoy oldie music too...im pretty open music wise...but I cant stand country...ok except for maybe the exception of a few songs


The Wizard of Oz
My Friend Totoro
Requiem for a Dream
The Beach
Virgin Suicides
Almost Famous
Les Choristes (the Choir)
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Home Alone 1&2
Girl Interrupted
Party monster
The Silence of the Lambs
my girl
the Adams family
Edward scissor hands ....


Not a big tv watcher, I like fashion file, LOVE south park!, I also like Garfield and Peanuts AKA Snoopie, The L word (FUCK YEAA), South of Nowhere


Books that leave me with a funny feeling insde, other then that im a magazine junkie, I love the W, I-D, Nylon, Vogue and Vanity Fair


I don't have heroes...I stick to admiring...I secretly really have the hots for Ashely Olsen...shhhh :P