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CoffeE!!, haging out with my friends, GroUp dating (haha), gimik, inuman + dancing = ParTY aLL nigHt LoNg!!,shopping,reading, baking sweets, adventures, beach + pooLs + water = SWIMMING!!!, kikay stuff!! (oo marunong na ako mag make-up!), going to the maLLs, adventures!! oh and one more thing Photo FaNaTiC!!! hahaha im a CeRtifiEd PiCturE addiCt!!!
i sImpLy HaTe BACKSTABBERS so they don't count, i WaNNa MeEt those who have no pretentions at aLL, i wanna meet those who are kweLa, who can keep up with me (haha) and my friends..wanna meet those who are fun to be with, nice, friendly and laging game! basta any1 who can get aLong with me..
r&b, reggae, pop, alternative, slow, love songs, house, trance
SERENDIPITY!!!, LILO & STITCH!!, a walk to remember, ICE AGE!!, FINDING NEMO!!, LOTR!!, HArRY POTTER!, FasT anD fURIOUS 1&2, Bad BOYs 1&2, X-MeN 1&2!! a whole lotta more!!!! ;þ so shoot me im juz a movie fanatic..who isnt?!
CSI, 24, SmaLLviLLE, wHos LinE is It AnYwaY?, LiZzIe McGuIrE, cArToOnS!!, MtV, PuNkd, FEAR fAcToR...and a wHoLE LoTsA MoRe!!!
ThE aLcHeMisT, LoVeLY BoNEs, LOTR TrILOgY, HaRrY PoTtEr, aNgeLs & deMons, FivE peoPLe yOu MeeT iN HeaVeN, tUesDaYs WiTh MoRriE, DaVinCi COde
my dad