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hi! i'm wittle nickie!

About Me

This is pretty much my favorite commercial ever:
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My Interests

Daily Rotten

I'd like to meet:

Gimme, gimme, gimme the honky tonk blues...


The Stooges


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Apocalypse Now, Chinatown, Rushmore, Indiana Jones movies, the original Star Wars trilogy, Full Metal Jacket, The Big Lebowski, Casablanca, North By Northwest, Casino Royale, King of New York


Married With Children, Simpsons back when it was still good, Howard Stern when he was on the E channel, Elimidate, Cheaters, Blind Date, anything with Joe Rogan or Joe Bob Briggs


Anything by Ernest Hemingway, Ross Thomas, Hunter Thompson, Jim Thompson


Iggy Pop, Jack Bauer, Snake Plissken, The Man With No Name, Tuco, Angel Eyes, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Inigo Montoya, Jason Statham, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Fox Mulder, Princess Sophia, the Numa Numa guy, The Wise Ingrate, Jeffy