Love playing sports, playing games in general. anything that can keep me occupied and entertained interrests me.
I'd really like to meet a lot of people but those that are high on the list would have to be; Robbin Williams, Jim Carrey, and Eddie Murphy (all great comediens in my opinion)
I listen to everything. Rock & Roll, Heavy Metal, Rap, Disco, Techno, anything that has a good beat.
My all time favorite movie would have to be "The Mask". But now-a-days their (movie companys) coming out with more and more entertaining and interresting movies such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" "Mr. & Mrs. Smith". I also enjoy alot of the old movies such as "The Hunt for Red October" "Donie Darko" "Mrs. Doubtfire" "Shawshank Redemption". and some of the disney movies as well.
only things that i bother going out of my way for to watch on tv would have to be "Prison Break" "Family Guy" "The Simpsons".
i read books from time to time, i dont go out of my way however to read a book.
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