sylvia plath easybake oven profile picture

sylvia plath easybake oven

stop judging yourself. that's why that rift sucks.

About Me

My Interests

my main squeeze, dining and dashing, the devil incarnate, cava, label wars, general internet dorkery, chocolate con churros, nag champa, snail mail, ginseng altoids, orchids, the word 'biff', Maoz falafel, out-bantering Lamon, fado, eating pop rocks at open mics to drown out bad poetry, being stalked by Loyd Dobler, not finishing stuff, I'm a sucker for slow-dancing, beautiful amnesia, travel, cynisism, getting evicted, faking my own death, kitties, beer-drinking elitism, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Djarum Blacks, chai tea, making soundtracks to suicides, Indian music videos, thrift stores, self-diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, music, do-it-yourselfism


ANYONE WITH TALENT WHO HAS NEVER PAID A MANAGER TO PAY A PUBLICIST TO PAY A PUBLICATION OR BROADCAST FOR ME TO PAY TO LIKE IT, lamon manuel, itch13, il subliminal, sean the pawn, dallas jackson, qwel, neil young, aesop rock, the smiths, morrissey, elliot smith, edith piaf, nirvana, le tigre, nina simone, portishead, m.i.a., typical cats, pj harvey, and such. The occassional dancehall/merengue/deep house happy hour


amelie, once were warriors, i heart huckabees, slc punk, crash, the singing detective, donnie darko, american splendor, buffalo 66, tenacious d, waking life, welcome to the dollhouse, before sunrise, the lost boys, igby goes down, ghost world, mystic river, american beauty, goodbye lenin, say anything, sixteen candles, dumb and dumber, american movie, all the real girls, squad


i heart los simpsons. seinfeld, ugly betty, top chef, project runway, iron chef (japanese version preffered), the office, medium, globe treker, south park, rick steve's europe, bbc news, ahem....buffy the vampire slayer, miami ink, check please!, antiques roadshow, american motherfuckin idol (shuddup). find something comforting in reruns of cheers.


White Oleander by Janet Fitch, The People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Immortality by Milan Kundera, The Winged Seed by Lee-Young Li, 1984 by George Orwell, The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo, Before Night Falls by Reinaldo Arenas, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith, Charles Bukowski, Pablo Neruda, the book of love


Soldier: What the fuck are you doing? Banksy: You'll have to wait until it's finished. Soldier (to colleagues): Safety's off

My Blog

the unreliable narator

California, 2006Landscapes are not for words. They're for pictures. And aside from technical ingenuity, I've never been much for Ansel Adams either. But I want to remember this. I don't trust time wi...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Thu, 22 May 2008 11:54:00 PST


I cannot build thicker skin. If cells were stones I'd make a fortress. But I am part glass. Part matryoshka. There's a me inside of me inside of me. Hiding. I think that is why my words surface as kil...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:43:00 PST

on escanaba avenue

I didn't know that bullets beat brick.  Rock, paper, scissors. Paper  beats rock. Cemented slabs of clay? All this time I was living in a limp hug. Through the windows to the yard. The w...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:18:00 PST

dear hot mess

amy, if you are going to do crack, why not skip the makeup, eh? i know it must be difficult to apply eyeliner while a mace-weilding lucille ball is screaching at you in yiddish. but you don't get cred...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:48:00 PST

why music sucks, or my theories on imperceptible frequencies and their affects on the brain.

  i am not incredibly well-versed in matters of audio science. i still haven't figured out how to fully utilize my keyboard let alone have a grasp of it's acoustical  dynamics. but i've noti...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:41:00 PST

Notes from Neo.

sadly this isn't a pictorial.1. If you are sleeping, doing lines, throwing up or fucking, please exit the bathroom stall. I'm sure you're used to bladder infections but I find them pretty unpleas...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:37:00 PST

how not to steal a buick

 When stealing a Buick, it is advisable not to conspire with the two shortest and least competent drivers you know. Also, it is always best to avoid hitting a bus. Last and perhaps most...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:55:00 PST

novel unwritten

 1. It's always beneficial for me to write as though no one will read. I guess I don't trust in the alliance of failures and crazies. I'm fairly sure there are people who would understand me. Peo...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 10:41:00 PST

devil may care

in light of the less than decent behavior of one friend unto another, i have decided to put down the gavel for a second and take a good hard look at my inner bastard. and turns out, i am in fact a p...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 04:23:00 PST

i think youre great, and heres why.

No, I'm not dying. Jeff- You teach me how to stop whining, take what comes and do the best I can with it. You are incredibly giving without complaint. You put up with my insanity. You make me laugh an...
Posted by sylvia plath easybake oven on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:59:00 PST