Football ; Surfing internet and suffering (as it's the effect); reading; singing; preaching, sermonizing, moralizing; mocking, teasing; laughing & crying; leaving and being leaved; -life is a temporary suffering!!
"Learn to look with Allah's sight for whom who look in His, will look with heart, and who so ever look with heart is looking without any veil.""God is nearer to man than the jugular vein""All your suffering comes from desiring things that cannot be had. Stop desiring and you won't suffer.""When 'I' and 'You' are absent, I've no idea if this is a mosque, synagogue, church or temple.""Don't you see that the roads to Mecca are all different?...The roads are different, the goal one...When people come there, all quarrels or differences or disputes that happened along the road are resolved...Those who shouted at each other along the road 'you are wrong' or 'you are an infidel' forgot their differences when they come there because there, all hearts are in union"Prayer purifies hearts. It opens the door to the mysteries.When i fell meeting with someone, always, the person is not in desiring to meet me.. so i'd forgoten of meeting someone.{ View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics
I hear a lot of music, but i had never found which one suite me
When the heroes win, it doesnt make sence to me. When the heroes loose, i did cried sometimes. Movies are stupid fiction actually, because whenever I watch them, they make me feel as i wanna have the same lifestyle like the directors created, and actually you can't.. no, I can't. both of us can't. It's human's creation, written and roled by hands of men, and it is like somehow syirk because God's hand is the most greatest that He could arrange a life that is more better than those film. So, DONT TRUST FILMS and DONT FOLLOW THEM!! yay!~
The Holy Quran; Books about sufism, shia and sunnism; well internet is a big book sometimes, so i dont read book, i read the internet.Hahaks..