WHO'S THAT GURL!!!!!!hi..my name is nor azal bt mohd ghazali.. just call me azal..nothin special bout me.. just a simple gurllll with a lovely smiles, i guess.. hehehe...i was born in 29 MARCH 1987 in HBKL.. huhhhu... im kl gurl.. now im still studying in kolej profesional mara, beranang.. bisnes study course..bekas student sek men keb kepong baru (2000-2003) n sem men teknik selangor, sg buloh (2003-2004).. i like 2 make frens.. that all 4 now, i'll add more if i remember something..haha.. lastly, dun forget to add me as ur frenz.. really nice to knowing me...luv all my frenzzz.. :)MySpace Codes
someday everything will all make perfect sense. so for now, laugh at the confusion, smiles through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happen for a reason..
e@r b!d@d@r!GuRL,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The re’s always that one person that will always have your heart...You'll never see it coming cause you’re blinded from the start...Know that you’re that one for me, it’s clear for everyone to see~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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