Family, Friends, Sports in general (especially college) Cougar Football & Basketball, Hockey, Skiing, Coaching, Golfing, Working Out, Camping, Boating, Agriculture, Travel, Reading, Learning new things, Taco trucks
Colin Powell, Morgan Freeman, Axl Rose
Guns and Roses is my favorite group. Classic rock and country are my two favorite generes
too many to name really. heres a few: O Brother Where Art Thou, Big Lebowski, Walk the Line, Blow
i really don't watch any show on a consistant basis, I suppose sports center if i really had to pick one and if that even counts
Autobiography of Colin Powell, Rich Dad-Poor Dad, Mere Christianity
My parents: They have put up with me for 24 years now and sometimes I wonder how ? My closest friends: They’ve been huge influences on my life in one way or another. Colin Powell: In my opinion he has been one of our countries greatest leaders, pick up one of his books sometime and you will see what I am saying.