I like movies and music but that is commom for most people who live in the real world. So that being said i like new friends and people who like my fucked up old friends. Cause those jackass are important to me even though they are truly fucked up.
Someone who is cool and chill and takes themselves only kind of seriously. The most important thing is someone who can handle themselves in a gun fight. I think that its important to be true to your self and live the way that makes you happy.
You know whats really funny is that i like music but its a bit silly to list all of the bands and songs i like. Mostly its metal and a few others.
I like movies!!!
But it seems to me that TV has been a little bit more exciting lately. Maybe its just me but some tv has really begun to come into its own.
Ill read anyhing you put in front of me. On the other hand if Bannister says that he has some book I should read I might just let that one go. I read this crazy book about zombies that just made me have a bad day.
I think a lot of people are my heros. Some people I think of as heros are just people i respect for some strong part of their personalities or because of their williness to just lay it all on the line and not give a shit. But my true heros are pornstars and strippers. Hooray Boobs!!!