princess CASSiE<♥> profile picture

princess CASSiE&lt;♥&gt;

..img src=" t/quotes%20and%20sayings/

About Me

wowww okayy first of all... this is not my page anymore. i made a new one to avoid what's happening!! i haven't deleted this one, but i DON'T USE IT!! so you myspace stalkers... you know who you are... please please please please please stay OFF of my page if all you're going to do is check to see what i'm up to. i'm not doing anything wrong, so leave me be!! thanks!! ooo yea... GET A FREAKING LIFE!!! --cassiep.s. if we're friends and you're still writing me on this page... i made a new one so send me a request... and if i don't accept your request... then that should tell you something and you should just leave me alone.

My Interests

DaNcE... ChEeRlEaDiNg... TYLER..
Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

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NO ONE!! i'M JUST FiNE WiTH WHO i KNOW MY FAMiLY iS A VERY BiG PART iN MY LiFE.. AND PERSONALLY i THiNK i HAVE THE BEST LOL.. NO MATTER WHAT MY FAMiLY HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR ME PUSHiNG ME AND GUiDiNG ME.. i'VE BEEN BLESSED WiTH SUCH AN AWESOME FAMiLY.. i HAVE A BEAUTiFUL MOM, A WONDERFUL DAD, AWESOME BROTHERS AND SiSTERS.. BEAUTiFUL NEPHEWS AND NEiCE.. AND EVERYONE ELSE iS GREAT TOO LOL.. WE'VE GOT A VERY BiG.. VERY CLOSE FAMiLY.. AND i WOULDN'T TRADE THEM FOR THE WORLD.. i ♥ YA'LL!!"To let go isn't to forget, not think about, or ignore. It doesn't leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret. Letting go isn't winning it isn't losing. It's not about pride it's not obsessing or dwelling on the past. It's not giving in or giving up. Letting go isn't about loss, and it's not defeat. To let go is to cherish memories, but to overcome them and move on. Letting go is accepting. Letting go is having the courage to [ accept change ] the strength to keep moving. Letting go is growing up..."...SOMETHiNG EVERYONE SHOULD LiVE BY... 1. so fail; be bad at things.2. Get embarrassed every once in a while.3. Be afraid.4. Be vunerable.5. Go out on a limb or two, or twelve. Fall and get hurt.6. The louder you fail, the clearer your future becomes.7. Failure is a gift; welcome it.8. Tell that boy you like him.9. Do something Completely Crazy.10. Fall in love.11. Cry until its all out.12. Do something you've been dying to do,13. Dont worry about consequences.14. Fight for what you think is right.15. Party till the hangover hits16. Dont ever give up.17. dance when theres no music.18. Look at the stars with the one you love.19. Make silly faces.20. Date someone totally wrong for you21.Do something illegal22. Jam out with your girls on a ride with no destination.23. Tell someone how you really feel.24. Fuck the haters and their bullshit25. Realize what you're worth and never doubt it.26. Smile on a monday.27. Take millions of pictures.28. Eat when your sad29. Use big words.30.Break some hearts; get heart broken.31.Befriend people you used to hate.32. Be harshly honest.33.Take a chance. i HAVE DEFiNiTELY GOT THE MOST AWESOME FRiENDS iN THE WORLD.. i WOULD DO ANYTHiNG iN THE WORLD FOR THEM.. AND i KNOW THEY'D DO THE SAME.. THEY'RE MORE LiKE FAMiLY THAN FRiENDS.. AND i DUNO WHERE i'D BE W/O THEM.. WE HELP EACH OTHER THRU HARD TiMES.. THEN LAUGH B/C WE WERE UPSET OVER SOMETHiNG RiDiCULOUSLY STUPiD.. i ♥ MY BFF'S SOO MUCH


AnYtHiNg I cAn DaNcE tO...
Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts


GoodFellas, Belly, Redemtion, and The Notebook
Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts


LaGuNa BeAcH N tHe HiLlS....
Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts


The Notebook and the Gossip Girl series...
Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts


My MoMmY n DaDdY!!! *God gave me wings... but mom n dad... you taught me how to fly*... Oh I love u soooo much, My cousin TORI!! MY TOR TOR.....

My Blog

Corinthians 13 1-7

 If i speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, i am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbol. And if i have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if i...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:59:00 PST


so... today is officially the worst day ever!! well it feels like it anyways. Kolten has freakin damn court today. i have an interview, which is pretty freakin exciting... but, i can't stop crying!! l...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:48:00 PST


Sooo.. AYMIE tagged me! now i hafta post this blog listing 10 things about me!  the ppl i tag hafta comment the blog n do this too dude! tagging: AYMiE JORDAN TEMPLET [[even...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:28:00 PST

//i HAVE this//

I HAVE a guy who: would move the hair away from my eyes and then kiss me& Hold my hand in the mall to make other girls jealous& One to let me fall asleep on his chest& get mad if someone called me ugl...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Sat, 05 May 2007 01:01:00 PST


Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 03:11:00 PST


To every girl....if you almost cry while reading this, it includes you....To every girl that is SCARED to put her heartout there again, because she has been HURTtoo many times or so badly.To every gir...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 10:07:00 PST


A Prayer for Robert "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 06:08:00 PST


1. Don't tell us when you think other girls are hot. 2. This is how we see it: Don't call = Don't Care. 3. Which also means that if we don't call, take the hint.4. Mark our anniversaries on a calenda...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 03:16:00 PST


1. so fail; be bad at things. 2. Get embarrassed every once in a while. 3. Be afraid. 4. Be vunerable. 5. Go out on a limb or two, or twelve. Fall and get hurt. 6. The louder you fail, the clearer yo...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:05:00 PST


1. so fail; be bad at things. 2. Get embarrassed every once in a while. 3. Be afraid. 4. Be vunerable. 5. Go out on a limb or two, or twelve. Fall and get hurt. 6. The louder you fail, the clearer yo...
Posted by princess CASSiE[[♥]] on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:08:00 PST