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Dave's not here...

I chopped it down with the edge of my hand...

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about this page

I'm currently in the process of trying to butcher my My Space page to something that I like, and in the process, exorcize my inner nerd. I tried this earlier this year with disastrous results. There's still a lot to do with what I hacked up with the help of a certain .zip file that I'll let you find for yourselves. This page is a constant work in progress... someday, possibly a coherent one...

so very soon

my thoughts on flex

Well after a few days with this web tool, I can certainly say that I'm impressed by it's scope, but yet exaspirated by it's limitations. Here's a quick snapshot of what this page is going to look like in the coming weeks. Not to shabby for a truck-driver by trade. I made a fully functioning tabbed RSS reader for the five feeds that you find to the right of this page as well as a flashlet that pulls Google maps (damn actionscript), not to mention the inclusion of animated backgrounds (mpeg only). The MP3 player is working to my satisfaction, though only 9 songs are displayed at one time. There's still so much to do... A bug or ten in my RSS reader; fully functioning doesn't necessarily mean bug-free, eh Microsoft? More personal content (this is a myspace page after all) other than music and news needs to be added. All in all, I haven't been this excited to do any webworks in quite some time.

i'll be back

Since getting myself Flex Builder and Charts, I've decided that I'm sick and tired of scrolling down the page to admire it all. I'm going to take the time and design myself my version 4.0 MySpace page with a little better navigation.

isn't it ironic?

Fourty-four years ago, a president that the world respected was assassinated... For What? It's ridiculous that 8 years ago a president was impeached for a lying about a blowjob. A blowjob?!?! Bush needs to answer for his lies to the world about weapons of mass destruction. That idiot deserves a bullet in the head for what he's done to the world. I honestly think that the Twin Towers would still be standing if he never weasled his way into office thanks to his brother in Florida. So someone out there, do the world a favor and assassinate that retard, then bring your boys back home. I would say, and I can't speak for everyone mind you, that people wouldn't mourn the loss of Bush Jr., and he without a doubt wouldn't be martyred. The nation, as well as the world, would be in a state of celebration.

this looks frackin cool

another reason to buy a ps3

Watch the martial arts sequence near the end in this video, it's amazing. This video game, as well as a few others that were shown at this year's E3 has me excited to play videogames again. So if you need a reason to purchase a cheap Blu-Ray player that also plays videogames;superior to HD-DVD, yet doomed like any previous Sony media format such as beta,umd,mini-disc (they do have solidstate though, just nothing that uses motors), then check out all the PS3 news at G4TV.com . I can't wait until '08...

go see this fracking movie

I am in awe... I can't wait for the sequel... I hope Soundwave will be in &035;2 with the same voice effect that we all know... If you haven't seen this movie yet, just what the frack are you waiting for?

an acorn fell on my head

When I entered the computing science program at the local community college a decade ago, I had a lot of high hopes. One of them was acquiring a computer that wasn't easily available here in Canada. I was absolutely disgusted with Windows running on my 166Mhz Pentium (the P-II wasn't even available yet). Linux was alright, but I wanted something a little more "outside-of-the-box", like a 68060/PowerPC AmigaOS system, or an Acorn. While I eventually settled on Linux (user since kernel 0.99.2), back then I wanted a RiscOS machine with a StrongARM processor. Ten years later and I get to have that experience via emulation...

The actual emulator that I'm using is called RPCemu and while never having used an actual A7000 or RiscPC, it seems to run quite well on the laptop. The learning curve for the use of Acorn's computers seems a little high, but it's nothing a tech savvy user, like myself, can't handle. The directory structure, as well as the command prompt took a little getting used to. This is the computer I should have had in college, both to show off my nerdiness (like now), and to exasperate my professors by my refusal to go with the status quo (I remember one actually telling me to stay away from Linux... it was going nowhere... BSD was the way to go... lol...)

As you can see by the above screenshot, this is a barebones system. There's no fancy bells & whistles, and especially no MineSweeper. I'm going to enjoy learning another processor instruction set. I know it won't be as pleasurable as Motorola's, but anything is better than Intel assembler. I've always wanted to try my hand at assembler on a RISC chip. I'll settle for an emulated one. Now all I need to find is an assembler, a C compiler, and decent Modula-2 compiler for RiscOS4, not to mention some reference material as all I've found so far on the intersurf has been next to none!!!

where was galactus?

I'm sure that's a question a lot of nerds were asking after watching the new Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer movie. I did as well until I watched it closely. Briefly, the destroyer of worlds was included into the movie.

Just what exactly did everyone think Galactus should look like? He is THE Devourer of Worlds. I thought that he was portrayed perfectly for the big screen. What did everyone expect, a big guy in a blue and magenta suit, with James Earl Jones doing the voiceover?
His true form and nature are beyond the capability of mortal beings to comprehend. He is an entity, in the Marvel universe, that becomes the next Big Bang to renew the cosmos (according to imageless last page of The Last Story of Galactus). A being of fire preceded by dark matter from wandering the galaxies for ages, consuming or destroying everything in his path, it was the only way to visualize him coming to feed... At least they got the shape of his helmet right.

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blog backup 07/08/13

isn'titironic?Fourty-four years ago, a president that the world respected was assassinated... For What?    It's ridiculous that 8 years ago a president was impeached for a lying about a...
Posted by Dave's not here... on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:31:00 PST