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I'd like to meet people who influence me to become successful in what ever path of life I choose whether it be school, my fitness career or business.When it comes to men, I already have some who makes me happy. Who needs more than that?
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
House music all night long! Hip hop, alternative, classical. jazz...........keep the country away!
Crash, Alive (gotta love determination),Finding Nemo, Shark tail, Bench Warmers, BRONX TALE...(Dumpa...Dumpa and you dumpa fast)
The Real World (dude, why can't I stop watching that show?), friends. SEX IN THE CITY (I think I'm a Miranda/ Charlotte combo), Everybody Loves Raymond, CHAPELLE SHOW
Power of Postive Thinking, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, He's Just Not That Into You
My family. We have been thru a lot and we are all still here! Also, I admire people who have come from nothing and have financially made it. It takes drive to get to the top. I will be there one day, but for now it's great to be surrounded be the ones who already have.