Last Sunday I preached on this Psalm. When David wrote this psalm he was only able to view God's creation through the necked eye. Today we have telescopes that can not only see beyond our atmosphere but can see beyond our solor system and galaxy. As man may try to disprove God they only discove that He is greater then ever imagined. When David wrote the phrase, "Who am I that you are mindful of me," it may have seemed to be agreat deal then, considering that from David's perspective. He was only a mere speck upon the Earth. With todays capablilty to see beyond the stars how much more does this statment, "Who am I that you are mindful of me," realy applies. Becuse, even though we may be small and insignificat comparied to God's Greatness He is mindful of us and cares for us. So much so that becuae of our sin, which was committed against an infinate God therefore could not be repayed by a mere finite being (man) but must only be repayed by a infinate being (God himself), that He came and payed the price in our place. Yet, we are so small He was mindfull of us that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, who was fully man and fully divine. It is never too late to come to the cross. He is waiting for you. Come and neal at the cross and let the blood of Christ come over you to cleans you of every sin so that you may live in peace knowing that there is a God how is mindful of you.
If you need to know how you too can have a relationship with God please do not hesitate to contact me. We are never promised tomarrow. There is no time but the present.redbtext12{color:000000;}
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