the sims...(livin large, hot date, house party, unleashed, vacatioN, supersatar, makin' magic)...badmintOn...wall climbing...
good, funny and nice people!! ;p
anything...rnb...and basta knanta ni lee ryan!! hihihi ; ballads of Jim Brickman...
harry pOtter!!! basta andun c daniel radcliffe!!!!!! ;
the purpOse driven life!! grabe,,the best!!david cOpperfield and great expectations...i lOve the nOvels written by Charles Dickens...
super cOw!! hahahaha!!! uhm...well, i cOnsider GOD as my herO...i think we should all consider Him as the "real" herO of our lives mOre than anything or someone else...(nakz)..;