center ~ Me LikEs ~
1. the coLor bLue(so muCh thaT soMe caLL me smuRf..smaLL bLue creatuRes)
2. wiNNie the pooH(nEw addiTioN iN my pooH coLLectiOn is a yeLLoW coMpoNent wiTh pooH desiGns...take reaL priDe cauSe i mysELf paiD foR iT!!!)
3. burniNg...cdS po(makinG it a biSnes nGa eH...emaiL nyO Lng po mE!!!)
4. CSI...sobRa(favE ko eH)
5. red aNd bLue...mY phoNes(i naMed theM...waLa Lng)
6. The iNovaTEd abAcuS...mY coMp
7.oWen wiLson (who caN resiSt the basaG na iLong LooK ba...weLL eVeryoNE caN but aKo hinDe eH...waLAng pakiaLamaN!!)
8.beaN baGS...coMfy eH
9. My faVE chocoLaTe eVEr...tiMe ouT...yuMMmmmm....
10. caLiforNia maKi....yummmmmmmMMmmmm sobraaaaaaa
11. bLogs....ReaDing oTher pEoPLe's aNd fiXing up miNe
12. The soNg 'staY the saMe' by joeY mcinTyre...mY aLL tiME faVE
13. eaTing....kaHit aNo...baSta saraP....aNd marami.....eaTing baSed oN thaT specifiC oRder oF baSis
14. orgaNizers....haVe to buSy anG schEd ko eH..hoPe to buY a niCe oNe kSe curreNtLy uSing mY phOne aS mY organiZer....aNd iT's noT actuALLy makiNg thiNgs more oRganiZed
15. piCs...beiNg iN it aNd juSt pLainLy viewiNg thEm
16. haNing ouT wiD freNds....kahiT saaN bsTa di naMan na diTo haWs
17. tooTbruSh....waLa Lng ewaN ko ba
18. nuMber 5....ewaN riN
19. niGht tiMe especiaLLy duRing fuLL moOn weN jc beCoMEs scaRy...naBabaLiw po aKo duRing thiS tiME...waLa Lng uLit
20. you...yeS yoU...waLa ng iBa!!!!
evEryonE huS anyOne.....aS LoNg aS ur niCe aNd friEndLy
viSit My bLog
Any...just as long as it is soothing to the ears
any... again just as long as it's pleasant to watch
kahit ano!!!
Kahit ano again