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Masuimi Max
RANCID * The Clash * Joe Strummer * The Slackers * The PIXIES * Bob Marley * The Cramps * Dillinger * The Unscene * Lars Fredrickson and the Bastards * The Ramones * Sonic Youth * Desmond Decker * The Specials * The Nerve Agents * Tiger Army * Necromantics * The Transplants * NoFx * Peter Tosh * Lee Scratch Perry * F-minus * Propagandi * South Central Riot Squad * Die Huns * Dialated Peoples * The Beatles * Led Zepplin * Good Riddence * NIRVANA * Nine Inch Nails * Sublime * Long Beach Dub All Stars * No Big Deal * Strung-Out * The Sound Of MOTOWN * The SEX Pistols * Dead Kennedys * Fear * Discharge * Black Flag * Bad Brains * MDC * MC5 * Pil * K-OS * The Roots * Outkast * Even a lickle JUNGLE yeah!
Once Upon a Time in China 1,2&3 * Americian Psycho * Seven * The Devil's Rejects * South Park * Requim For a Dream * Natural Born Killers * True Romance * Anchorman * KILL BILL 1 & 2 * ZOOLANDER * Monster Squad * SCRATCH * Live Freaky Die Freaky * Streets Of Fire * Spun * Dogma * Fast Times * Shawn Of The Dead * The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy * King Kong * Ong Bok * One Flew Over The Coo-coo's Nest * Little Shop Of Horrors * Boogie Nights * House Of Fury * Enter The Dragon * Fist Of Fury * Faster Pussy Cat KILL KILL KILL * Star Wars 4,5 & 6 * Give Em The Boot * a clockwork orange * Alien(s) * Rock N' Roll Highschool * Army Of Darkness * Evil Dead 1 & 2 * Black Christmas * Sin City * Family Guy * Indian Jones 1,2 & 3 * Back To The Future * Rcky Horror Picture Show * American History X * Scar Face * The Itallian Job * Super Troopers * Texas Chainsaw Massacre * Night of the living dead * Edward Scissor hands * Silence Of The Lambs
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