eVe,,, profile picture


This is mY proFiLe,,,aDd me iF you inTeresTed in,,

About Me

i'M a usuaL girL wHo reaLLy liKe to sMiLe,,,,[smiLe is heaLthy yoU kNow,,,!!!] anD iF u waNT to knOw moRe aBouT me,,,jusT see wHat peopLe saY abouT me in mY tesTimoniaL,,,,

My Interests

sHoPpiNg,,,,,pLayiNg gaMEs,,,,,watcHinG tV oR ciNeMa,,,,aNd doiNg gyM,,,,

I'd like to meet:

mY frieNds jaQaS[s] oF courSe,,,,"R",,,,,,n PeopLe froM variouS countrieS,,,


aLL kiNd of musiCs,,,,,excLuded daNgduT n heaVy meTaL musiC,,,,


a waLk tO reMemBer,,,,,,50 firsT daTes,,,,


i LoVe waTcHing tV verY mucH,,,,,i LovE iT,,,,,,The mosT i liKe is OpraH taLk sHow,,,,,ruGraTs,,,,,,n feAr facTor,,,,


bibLe,,,[HEuuehu,,,], coMicS,,,n sCienCe bo0Ks,,,,[Hahah,,,,,]


mY m0m oF courSe,,,,,sHe aLwaYs maKes me feeL haPpy n anD buY me everYtHing thaT i wanT,,,,,She worKs verY2 haRd to maKe iT,,,,,,,,