Dark_Ugly_Angel profile picture


Crazy..IS Creative!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com ........

My Interests

I'm nobody really. Just a little rat named Sara, Running the infamous rat race.

I'm the good old rational rat. Running in my own little lane. I never do anything out of line, Never disturb the cat, Never offend my own race.

Well it's been years since I've seen my mama. But her voice still rings in my head. Ever since we've been separated, I've come to this weirdo crazy creative studio. So everyday I just run and run and run. Never find the cheese, But never mind, I'll keep running, Be good work hard, I'll get the cheese someday. Someday.

But well, Until then, I'm a nobody really. Just a little rat named Sara.

Running the rat race...

I'd like to meet:

Ermm...a weird person,someone who down to earth or someone who got problems in life so that I could help which ever I can...dan..yang lupe daratan pon boleh jugak..mane tau leh ingatkan org tu selalu..ha ha..


Prophet Muhammad s.a.w....&....my parent...