The eSPIN Personality Test
MY RESULT: Super Villain
You think you're great, you love to have a good time (even if it's at somebody else's expense), and you love to win. So what's wrong? Well, basically, those are the same qualities shared by super villains everywhere.
There's hope for you yet - so whatever you do, stay far, far away from all things evil. Seriously. We'd even avoid devilled eggs and Devil's food cake. Keep a clean record and you might transform from a super villain to a superhero.
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Im So HOT....
How Hot Are You?
MY RESULT: Someone-Call-911 Hot
Emergency hot. Burned-alive hot. Kid, you got some fire power.
This is the absolute hottest you can be. In fact, some might even consider it too hot. Not us. We can’t get enough of you.
You might want to rein some of it in, though, in certain situations – like job interviews, court appearances, visits to Grandma, and, of course, the odd visit to industrial meat freezers. When you got that heat, flaunt it, but there’s no reason to spoil a bunch of perfectly good beef.
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