If his fellow Decepticons think that Soundwave is listening, they keep their mouths shut. Despite his impenetrable exterior, heightened by the fact that, unlike most Transformers, his face is virtually incapable of emotional expression, Soundwave is a blackmailer through and through who will eavesdrop in search of any insubordination, to secure his standing with Megatron. His comrades will usually pretend to like him in order to keep on his good side, but in reality, he doesn't care what they think of him, because he knows that he is indispensable to the Decepticon cause.Soundwave can detect and jam radio transmissions all across the energy spectrum, a talent that makes him naturally suited to his position as Decepticon Communications Officer. Soundwave also possesses the ability to monitor electrical impulses within brain circuitry - i.e. he can read minds. Additionally, he has a photographic memory thanks to the vast data storage capacity of the magnetic disks in his chest compartment, and he is armed with a shoulder-mounted radio wave sensor and hand-held concussion blaster. Soundwave is also one of the physically strongest Transformers. He transforms, shrinking as he does so, into an Earthly Microcassette deck, and in the tape compartment, which becomes his chest in robot mode, he stores the Decepticon spy cassettes Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Rumble, and Frenzy, who seem to exist in a quasi-symbiotic relationship with him.The relationship shared by Soundwave and his counterpart cassettes is only briefly touched upon in the animated series and comics, however there are indications the bond extends much like a family, with the cassettes quick to defend and protect Soundwave during a crisis. The "animal" versions of the cassettes such as Buzzsaw, Laserbeak and Ravage appear to share a closeness with Soundwave much like a pet and their owner. The exceptions to this were in the Marvel and Dreamwave comic book series, which portrayed Ratbat as an independent-minded Decepticon who had risen to a position of power. In Marvel comics, Ratbat had authority over Soundwave within the leadership of the Decepticons forces. Regardless of this reversal of situations, Soundwave showed himself to be loyal to Ratbat in the same way that he was loyal to Megatron. In the Dreamwave comics Ratbat lead the Ultracons faction, while Soundwave remained with the Decepticons lead by Shockwave, although this was before Ratbat became a cassette.
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