Martial Arts, Visual and Performing Arts, Basketball and other sports, Computers, Video Games, Internet, Music, Nature, Adventure, Road Trips, Drivin', Parties, Gimmicks, Beach, Sleeping, FOOD!
People who can always be at my back... or side... whatever! LOL!
ALL... especially Chorale, Acoustic & Classical...
The Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Artificial Intelligence, Armageddon, Star Wars Saga, Jurassic Park, The Truman Show, Patch Adams, Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Dragonfly, The Sixth Sense, Southpark: Bigger, Longer & Uncut... umm, what else?...
C.S.I. / C.S.I.: Miami, Fear Factor, Smallville, Just for Variety, AFV, The Simpsons, Southpark, David Blaine (Frozen in Time, Vertigo, etc.), UFC, Rings, K-1, Pride-FC, Art Attack!? lol!
Any medical book with gross pictures in it will do... lol!