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About Me

What up G's. I'm Talya. I love Dawson's Creek. It's kind of a major character flaw. Other than that I have a best friend named Ollie, he is little, white, and fluffy. But no joke, I am actually really, really grool and an amazing person. in fact my bestest friend elyse yarmosky has never met anyone else in the world like me, which makes me 459% cooler than you. I like orange juice, pasta pizza, rejecting myspace, making up new words, hating on the SATS, and pretending to get bad grades when everyone knows i pwn school. i am going to an ivy league one day, and I love the inceraides. I am going to be a doctor and wear scrubs all day because guess what....I CAN. It was a long and grueling decision, but i finally reached the conclusion that fiona apple is my lover despite some recent problems. let me tell you that. I love life and stuff.By EJY