Music, Musicals, Books, Movies, Video Games, Comics, Random Facts
I would like to meet the people who write and produce the WB's Smallville. That way I could kick them in the teeth and curse them for trying to ruin such a great show.
I listen to a wide variety of music ranging from country to pop to rock to even a little rap. Some personal favorites would be Sister Hazel, Vertical Horizon, and Jason Robert Brown.
I love movies. Movies are amazing. I don't have cable. Know why? Cause I don't need it due to all the movies I watch!
24, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, Cartoon Network, Star Trek, Comedy Central
Terry Goodkind: Sword of Truth series, C.S. Friedman: The Coldfire Trilogy, Wicked
Heroes come in many forms. My parents for always doing the right thing no matter how hard it is and for always being there for me. My brother for following his dream and for being a great friend. My friends for their unwavering support. Vanessa for her love. Oh yes, and Ian Rock!