Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!The one word that should be used to describe this cat is 'I-N-T-E-N-S-E'
& everything else falls into place. knowledge, [ aka k-born] has always
been a scholar of good music from old to new. The one half the 'dynamic duo' with the mad musician [double m],these two have always battle tested each other to keep their edge on the growing changes of hip hop.Born & raise in the north newark section of,'brick city ' new jerz, this dude getz it in when it comes to makin muzik. A radio in the bathtub full of water is what you get when your impelled to listen to his 'sop sound production'.
'doing it to the point i know what i'm doing for people' is all ya get from this dude,[cause their is no begining or ending to music] a disciple of legendary producers of hip hop & a student to all those greats of yester-years makes up this 'new kid on da block" someone of interest .
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