whitney ♥ your favorite profile picture

whitney ♥ your favorite

It's hard to face the problem when the problem is your face. love ♥ whitney

About Me

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

look, i can't change the way i think. and i can't change the way i am. but if i've offended you? good. cause i still don't give a FUCK. (eminem)
i can't help but be who i am. people love me for it, people hate me for it. but it is my opinion that it is better to be paid attention to than to go with the flow and be invisible, because you're nobody until you're hated. it just means you have what people want in one way or another and for that i am thankful to be the person i am. i think it says a lot about a person when they can really look at themselves and see not only the positive but the real nitty gritty bullshit and figure out a way to get through it. instead of hiding behind a false sense of pride or an angry attitude to fool people into looking at you in any other way than they should is a cowardly way of life. i used to be a bitch and i used to be mean in order to make people feel less than me, or afraid of me. i figured that so long as people were too scared to mess with me they would never bother me because if they did there would be hell to pay in terms of loud verbal assaults and low blows in general. it wasn't until i really was able to look at myself and realize i was just making up for a lack of self worth that i finally dropped that tough exterior and just started to be myself which happens to be a very loving and caring person. now, that doesn't mean that i don't still have my moments and that i am a perfect person. but now when i do have those moments i am able to look at them from a more stable point of view and see why i am acting the way i am. everyone has to grow up one day, and for those who don't i pity them, because they are only hurting themselves and the way people perceive them: which is honestly everything in this world. i'm too attached to my old ABOUT ME to delete it yet so until then....i guess just let this be a preface and lol i guess you can see the rest as an example of the false personality i was referring to. ♥ --what up my names whitney and i'm the shit. i live in fair haven (aka the hood. i fit in so well...) with my boyfriend. i grew up in barrington ri drinking my ass off and getting in trouble. i graduated in 04, went to New England Tech for a while and was pretty much the only girl there. i didn't fuck around back then and i still dont. if you know me, you understand that im down to earth and pretty smart. if you dont you may have the common misconception that i am a snotty bitch that i judge others on what they have rather than who they are and that i have the intelligence of a small stone. but that's cool, i choose who i am friendly with. so therefore there is a reason why people look at me the way they do: because i want them to. there are lots of people i havent made amends to for my past, there are some that i never will be able to make it up to. that's okay i can only worry about me these days.I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND. he's better than yours. get over it. New Haven has been an adventure to say the least. people come and go. literally many have died in my time here, but they just prove that living in addiction is no way to live at all. Take a look into my recent life...go on, be jealous ;-) kidding sort of.For more Fabulous photos (mostly of) myself and good friends (lots that are missing due to the overwhelming amount of self portraits) check em' out at :http://photobucket.com/albums/v482/candylipzx0/
.. Now Icons

My Interests

music, life, love, writing, fashion, other people, gossip, beauty, food. talking to my BOO ashley about our general frustration with people who lack intelligence and live on welfare while somehow managing to buy all types of clothes and pretend to have great lives while making ours a living hell. making fun of nasties who try to talk to me on the street while i run away from them with an expression of horror across my face. things like that.

I'd like to meet:

if you do not have a basic understanding of the english language instead of mutilating it with misspellings and poor attempts at sounding 'suave' why not just save yourself some dignity and not send me messages. send messages that begin with "yo ma" to someone who actually responds to things of that nature. maybe a girl with a crusty bang (see hair gel and abuse of) or a 17 year old with two kids. either way i'm not sure which part of me gives off the impression that i enjoy being hit on by losers on myspace but whatever part that may be, IGNORE IT because i am not down to chill with some online thug on his mom's computer. or any guy for that matter as i have a boyfriend (hence all the pictures of him and the minor fact that i happen to live with him and have been with him for over a year) so thanks, but no thanks. consider be untouchable because that is what i am to you. ANYWAY i'd love to get back in touch with my friends from LaHacienda, Hyde Park, and Caron Foundation. If you know what those are you're just as Wild and Crazy of a kid as i am. YAY. if you're annoying dont talk to me i'm too easily irritated. i want to meet up mostly with old friends i've lost touch with. and my BFF arielle, why is she so beautiful? we're such twins!dumping your dead body inside of a fucking trash can with more holes than an afghan - eminem.i don't leave comments. i just get them. oh...and i'm slightly in love with lindsay. but who isn't, secretly?


A Tribe Called Quest, Deltron 3030, Ghetto Boys, Notorious BIG, Tupac, Wutang Clan, Method Man, Dr Dre, Eminem, Obie Trice, Nas, 2 live Crew, Bone Thugs, alicia keys, Benny Benassi, DJ Tiesto, Old School Rap, Hip Hop and a lot of Techno. etc. Damion Marly. too many to get into right now. Journey!!! Wam ;-) Jedi Mind Tricks, Slick Rick, Atmosphere, Big L, DJ Tomcraft, DJ Quicksilver, House and Trance, etc...to be continued


KIDS, Bully, Donnie Darko, Thirteen, Butterfly Effect, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill I+II, Fight Club, Sixth Sense, Signs, Gladiator, A Knights Tale, Shrek, Stand By Me, American Beauty, Seven, Sin City, 300, Birth, The Client, Clueless, The Cure, The Departed, Dolores Claiborne, Donnie Darko, ET, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fried Green Tomatoes, Gladiator, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Gummo, Haute tension, Holes, Jurassic Park, Lady in the Water, Little Athens, Little Children, Little Miss Sunshine, A Little Princess, The Machinist, Mean Girls, Nacho Libre, Napoleon Dynamite, The Prestige, Radio Flyer, Requiem for a Dream, The Secret Garden, Secret Window, Sin City, Slums of Beverly Hills, Spun, Stick It, Tideland, To Die For, The Virgin Suicides, Waiting..., Wassup Rockers, Wolf Creek. just off the top of my head soooooooo many etc.i may seem well put together, and well spoken; but fuck with me and i won't hesitate to shit all over your existance with a mean dose of verbal assault. i'm a nice girl. just don't test my patience.


Family Guy, South Park, Lost, Bravo's reality series, Friends, King of the Hill. Vh1 100 Hottest Teen Stars. Unsolved Mysteries. COPS. Spike TV. Court TV. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK, SALUTE YOUR SHORTS. Sex and the City. Eating Disorder After-School Specials and Eating Disordered Starlett Documentaries. Lindsay Lohan's Most Shocking. Flavor of Love, UFC, True Life. SNL.


running with scissors, dry, magical thinking, sellevision, Possible Side Effects (Augusten Burroughs ♥) . ANYTHING written by Laurie Notaro. * invisible monsters, fight club, survivor, lullaby, choke, diary, haunted, Chuck Palahniuk*, bully, and more just the most recent few cant rememeber the rest brain fart ahhhhhh. the things they carried. my own ramblings are some of my favorite to read really...i enjoy hearing others read them aloud to me, its a favorite passtime of mine. what can i say...awww me and caleb ♥ i love you baby! RIP DAVID BEREZ *always missed


my mommy i love herrr. TRUMP and your mom. dirty rotten millionaires and cocaine addicted fashion models. drunkard writers and suffering souls. all that jazz.

My Blog

attention whores.

question...? why is it that so many girls feel the need to take their clothes off on myspace? just wondering why so many chicks feel the need to expose themselves for the pleasure of the pathetic kind...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Mon, 07 May 2007 03:58:00 PST

someone please help

anyone willing to purchase and ship these items to me, it would be greatly appreciated. seeing as how i am on my own and living off of my own money, i no longer have the ability to buy whatever i want...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:01:00 PST

girls who say "dont hate me cause you aint me" should be shot in the face.

people who cant write, should NOT try...i was just on a friends myspace when i came across a frightening picture next to a typical comment something along the lines of "damn boyyee you so finneee i wi...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:18:00 PST

read this.

read first: this is from way back when in 2004 when i used to sneak out with a certain someone...just enjoying my old writings...read on...     It was late and I was tired, but I stayed up ...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 07:24:00 PST

it's hot. let's shoot people!

it's needless to say that i am irritated by this fucking weather. irritated would be an understatement. I'm enraged by this disgustingly damp hot weather. but more than just the weather i am disguste...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 07:04:00 PST

fucking cock socket...

so i'm minding my own business, myspacing and whatnot when i notice i have a new friend request...it's from a girl with a rather provokative member picture. i figure well, maybe i know her from the ag...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Wed, 17 May 2006 12:28:00 PST

i messed up what can i say? PSA

right.  someone try to tell me they havent screwed up and maybe i'll give you a minute of my time. not getting into what happened as i am so fking embarrassed it actually makes me sick, but please try...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:41:00 PST

ugly girls

so, apparently myspace is breeding ground for people who speak and type with a gangster lean. i dont like this. why cant people just be normal, maybe a little boring, but at least understandable. and ...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:16:00 PST

and so it seems, i have found what i was looking for.

i'm smitten. like a stupid kid again. this is so amazing. i have no words. i can't really write very well when i'm not angry and resentful and crazy. and i'm back on my meds so it seems my writing sk...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:37:00 PST

Chronicles of a Movie Gallery Employee

this is old and not a great example of my writing. but its from last summer when iw as trying to be sober (unsuccessfully) and trying to work at a video store that i spent all my time sitting on my as...
Posted by whitney ♥ your favorite on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 02:57:00 PST