Now we get a rude and a reckless
We been seen lookin' cool an' a speckless
We been drinking brew for breakfast
Rudie can't fail oh, no, no
Always Under Construction
You tell me that I bitch and that I curse way too much,
But I wouldn't bitch if everybody didn't fuckin' suck!!!
Friends? MINE!!!!! yeshhhhh. No real order. ::: Ashley James. Scott B.Ned S.Braden G.Mart.Zac R.Danny.Daniel S.Nathan S.Tish Tosh Taylie.LucY L.Amy.Toby V.Mark S.Renee D.Kaylee.Nick K.Casey D.Shawnee T.Alex.
Adding or accepting, and not planning on talking?
// COMMENT // Message // Add // Friends //
If you dont like my swearing. GTFO.
No Regrets.
Erin//Asshole//Ez//Ezzling//Ace//Erino//Google//GOON-BAG//Er ona//
16. Fem. Singular
Drug and alcohol free~~~
Ok, so I do drink on the odd occassion, but I don't drink to get drunk.
OK! Let's go somewhere with this; and I'll start with music. I wont fight you if you think music has had a bigger influence on your life, a bigger impression on your life, or has a bigger place in your heart than mine; but I stand that I know you're wrong. I always put a lot of thought into my profile songs. Two favourite genres? Punk and Classical. Artists? The Clash, Sex Pistols, The Ray Gradys, and Wagner. Yep. I knew it. You don't know the last two. Let's keep it that way!
What can I say, I love Melbourne; but I can't wait untill I head over to London (and Sunderland ;] )
Life? It's a ride. One massive ride; and we're all being taken on it. Live it, ignore it, do what you want with it; I don't want to survive, I want to live. I've come this far, I dare you to make me turn back. My lifes path is paved with Fools Gold, always has been, always will be; I am naturally a cautious being. I learn from my mistakes, and do my best not to make them again.
You don't have to share my DNA to be part of my family. Once you are there, it's one massive hole to get yourself out of.
I take the shit life throws at me, look at it, and stick it in my pocket - you never know when bullshit can come in handy.
My life is very well planned out, it's one of few things I actually have organised, my bedroom, locker, PC folders, desk, all very un-organised.
Do I care what you say? Not all too much. If you don't like me, so be it, I see it as no great loss on my part, yours maybe, mine, nahhhh.
I have an addiction to Windows and Nokia, as bad as they both are at times.
When all else fails, at least I know Mr. Mellor will always have my back.
My dad is my best friend. Nobody is quite as awesome as he, and you shouldn't even try to be, you will only fail.
A real coffee, two slices of Vegemited toast and a bit of The Clash are the start to the majority of my mornings. If I'm in a fantastic mood, this is why.
Me? I'm my own person, I do a lot for myself, yet I am the last person I do things for. If I am having some me time, respect that and let me be. This is my time to cleanse myself.
WARNING: English boys are sexy =]
Cook dinner for 2, I'll be there in five...
Ned , LucY Lenius , and Zac All deserve a mention.
I hate people, but I'm curious to meet new ones:
So tell me about you!!!
She ♥
She Hates
over-uses the following words:
I Explode Like. - Formally Dance, The Architect
Pull The Plug. - RIP
Line Of Fire.
Hiroshima Will Burn.
A Destined Belonging
See You At Sundown.
Fall Of Anima
Do it!