Pet Peeves: 10) Gravity 9) Rogue under wires 8) Eye goop 7) Walking into someone else's farts 6) When it is pronounced supposUBly 5) Saggy britches 4) When people add “izzle†as a suffix to a word for slang’s sake 3) Hickies 2) Cellulite 1) Alarm clocks sounding on your day off!Fav’s: 10) THE FRAY - for reasons I can't explain 9) Playing hookie 8) The Ocean (or even just Shark Week on Discovery Channel) 7) Liking every song on a CD 6) IZZY Doozers & Harley boy 5) Comfy underbritches 4) Hot rain (thunderstorms: BONUS) 3) Red meat 2) Orgasms 1) Ms. Hannah and all of her shenanagins!
Dr. Valsava. He who coined the valsalva maneuver (ie: the grunting sound one makes on the toilet, or while otherwise physically asserting theirself). I just have to ask him, for the love of GOD - WHY? Why would you want something like that named after yourself. Gees, what a legacy!
Eh - been passing on the music lately for stand up comedy radio channels on the net. There isn't a whole lot out right now that I'm into music-wise.
I wouldn't say favorite by any means, but I've been watching Shopgirl a lot. It strikes you as mediocre at first, but the more times you watch it, the more it resonates with you...
Mostly DVD's but I'll make exceptions for Lost, CSI (reruns on Spike TV), and IFC.
I just found out that Judy Bloom (remember her?) is now writing adult novellas. They are funny and... dirty! Go JUDY! animal layout @ HOT love / music / movies / frazy
John Wayne Bobbit - seriously who else could have their weiner wacked off and come out of the situation better for it?