Monsey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i am awesome

My Interests

roadtrips to wisconsin, vodka, japan, poker nights at my place, morgan's bar, nyc fashion week & celeb stalking, drunk karaoke in pj's with my almost sisters in law, dollar beer night, sexed out atlantic city trips, and of course brendon

I'd like to meet:

no one with web cams or live chat people are ruining myspace!!!Profile Tracker ..


i pretty much only like the sound of my own voice.....i don't know if you all know this but after a recent performance in boston i was signed by columbia records


i love anything with will ferrell or vince vaughn


i heart reality tv


US Weekly....i promise i'm not shallow.....


yo mama

My Blog

more pics from japan.....

more pics from japan....i know, i'm obsessed yum! writing a note to the takoyaki guy cristi hearts plastic food we won this shit, but couldn't get our money out thanks for ...
Posted by monsey on Tue, 02 May 2006 03:28:00 PST

other cool and interesting things about japan...

other cool and interesting things about japan.... (in no particular order) 1. make your own wasabi! now i'm not one for wasabi, but this is cool...
Posted by monsey on Tue, 02 May 2006 12:42:00 PST

Top 10 Reasons....

Top 10 Reasons.... why Japan just may be the best place on earth: 10. street arcades you can buy anything here from chopsticks to elaborate toothp...
Posted by monsey on Tue, 02 May 2006 12:14:00 PST