Mary DEATH!!!! profile picture

Mary DEATH!!!!

Jimmy, who let you suckle at their teat when your mom was at work?

About Me

I'm a bit eccentric. If someone let me have a dog, I'd be a better human being. I never have enough time to express the extent of the love I have for people. This continues to frustrate me. I am not someone you want to be around if I have not slept well, but luckily I can sleep through many situations. I cry more when I am happy than when I am sad. I really want a semi-permanent travel companion. I love being alone but it's dangerous for my mental health. I have many theories about the Northwest, so far they've all proven to be true. I would road-trip my life away if I could, God knows this and I'm relatively sure that's why I don't have a car. My favourite landscape is farmlands in the Midwest. I like reading memoirs. I'm a sandwich person, not a soup and/or salad person. I'm also a black person compared to a brown person. Brown and blue make me a little nervous, I never really match. I am a soccer champion. I am ridiculous. I am convinced that Asian people are just generally better than all other people. Semi-trucks with the crazy monster teeth on the front grill make me ever so happy. I have two homes, Atlanta and Nashville. I hate when people compliment my clothes and I feel nauseous when things even begin to seem materialistic. I love public television, but I do not own a T.V. The older I become the more I adore my parents as individuals. If Kermit the Frog was a real person, I would probably stalk him. My heart feels bigger right now than ever in my life, and it shows me how much more I need God. I hate nothing more than writing support letters and taking a nap in the afternoon only to wake up when it's dark outside. I feel a greater responsibility on my life because I've known an unfair share of incredible people. I like clutter because I am a Southerner. And chances are I like you, too.a

My Interests

I like parks and being read to, Road-tripping with Mike Ozaki, Traveling throughout the world, Being transformed by the grace of Christ, Learning to love without reciprocation, and enjoying community centered around our Lord.

I'd like to meet:

Jim Henson. Sam Beam. Wynonna Judd. If I don't know you, I won't add you. I have a moral stance on meeting people on the internet... and shopping at Wal-Mart, but that's besides the point.


Tova Rinah and the Way Home, Colour Revolt, Anathallo, Sarah freakin' Sevier, Cool Hand Luke, Patty Griffin, The Decemberists, Dolorean, Sigur Ros, Over the Rhine, James Taylor, Feist, Joanna Newsome, Kings of Convienence, Coldplay, Wilco, Death Cab for Cutie, mewithoutYou, Elliott, The Counting Crows, The Cure, Saves the Day, Sufjan Stevens, stuff that moves me.


Say Anything, Reality Bites, The Muppet Movie, Before Sunrise/Before Sunset, Everything is Illuminated, Little Miss Sunshine


I love Sesame Street.


"I Like You" by Sandol Stoddard Warburg and "Irresistable Revolution" by Shane Claiborne. It will change your life.


Jean Michael Balderas.

My Blog

My favourite holiday is Maundy Thursday!

Tonight Kaly, Bonnie, and I went to see the Decemberists. Let me just say that I have not laughed more at strangers in my life as I did tonight. First of all we got there and I saw one of the few...
Posted by Mary DEATH!!!! on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:13:00 PST

People are ridiculous.

Right now I am sitting a Bongo Java, a very cozy coffee shop in Nashville next to Belmont. I came here because usually I can concentrate here easier than anywhere else that I have found. Unfortunatel...
Posted by Mary DEATH!!!! on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 12:20:00 PST

TOP 8 SURVEY!!! Marcus Jackson is my BFF!

Top eight:State the top eight on your myspace and answer the questions1. Marcus Jackson2. Lindsay Bryant3. Mike Ozaki4. Cadle Edwards5. Deborah Mirabal6. becca Carter7. Kristina Tawse8. Julie Almand1....
Posted by Mary DEATH!!!! on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:06:00 PST


I'm in Nashvegas now. And I like it as much as you possibly can like an unfamiliar place with lots of new challenges. Last night a small Filipino woman taught us all how to do the Hustle. It's all bee...
Posted by Mary DEATH!!!! on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 06:51:00 PST

Blah blah...

I'll probably never use this. I have a livejournal. You can read it if you want. Most of my entries are friends only, you should get one and maybe we'll be friends.
Posted by Mary DEATH!!!! on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:11:00 PST