My Blog
IM me bitches!
Ugh......i'm bored. So whats going on people? why isn't anyone on to keep me occupied? Ugh......all of you suck! Although I should probably go to sleep considering Candace (my daughter) will be geting...
Posted by I SHOULD HAVE CHEATED..... on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:36:00 PST
Too bad........
It's too bad he didn't love me,
It's too bad he didn't care......
The truth is that i'm dying
with or without him here......
He'll never understand,
or even stop to think........
How hard this is for ...
Posted by I SHOULD HAVE CHEATED..... on Tue, 23 May 2006 03:20:00 PST
Will's Birthday!!!!
On Sunday is my boyfriend's birthday!!!! He's going to be 23! Wow he's getting old! He's almost halfway to 50......whoa....maybe I need to rethink us???? Naaaah......he's still hot even though he's al...
Posted by I SHOULD HAVE CHEATED..... on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 07:06:00 PST
Tomarrow Candace will be two months old!!! Oh my baby is growing sooo fast!!! It's horrible...I don't want her to grow up!!!! She's too precious to put out into the world!! Ugh....I love her.....she's...
Posted by I SHOULD HAVE CHEATED..... on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 04:11:00 PST