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My Interests

In the name of honour: Domestic Violence in Pakistan

States should condemn violence against women and should not invoke any custom, tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligations with respect to its elimination.
1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Samia Sarwar was murdered for trying to escape an abusive marriage. At the instigation of her own parents, the 36-year-old Pakistani woman was shot dead in her lawyer.."s office in Lahore, Pakistan on April 6, 1999. Although the circumstances of her death are well known, the police have yet to lay charges. Each year, hundreds of women and girls are murdered in Pakistan in the name of honour. For some, their crime is seeking a divorce. Others have been accused of adultery or promiscuity. Some are killed after reporting a rape.


The reign of impunity: Women and armed conflict in Burundi

All the necessary steps shall be taken to ensure the prohibition of measures such as persecution, torture, punitive measures, degrading treatment and violence, particularly against that part of the civilian population that consists of women and children.
UN Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict

Sixteen-year-old Odette Nzeyimana is imprisoned in extremely harsh conditions in Burundi on charges of collaborating with an armed opposition group trying to seize control of the country. She is reported to have been tortured in detention and made to stand naked for hours in front of male members of the security forces. Marie Rose Umahoro has been accused of participating in the massacre of members of the Tutsi ethnic group. After her arrest in 1994, she was held for three weeks at Karuzi police station where she was reportedly tortured during interrogation. She was seven months pregnant at the time. She still bears scars on her knees from being made to kneel on broken glass. In 1997, Marie Rose Umahoro was sentenced to death after a grossly unfair trial. She had been denied a lawyer for most of the trial and was not allowed to call defense witnesses.


The Promise of Safety: Afghan Women Refugees

Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
Article 14, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

.."I can.."t go home,.." she said. .."I fear that my children and I may be kidnapped or killed..." Afghan women.."s rights activist Mariam Azimi fled her country to escape threats on her life. But finding a safe haven wasn.."t easy. In refugee camps in Pakistan, educated Afghan women, especially those who had spoken out for their rights, were being threatened by Afghan death squads. Azimi fled to Norway, but the Norwegian government.."s first reaction was to try to deport her back to Pakistan. Azimi fought deportation by claiming sanctuary in a church. With the help of other activists she was eventually able to win asylum. Other Afghan women have not been as fortunate.


The Right to Speak Out: Violence Against Indian Activists

March 8, 2000 -- International Women.."s Day -- was marked by police violence in India as more than 200 women and 150 men were forcibly removed from the site of the Maheshwar dam project in Madhya Pradesh state. The authorities had just banned gatherings near the site using a section of the Indian criminal code often used to suppress public protest. Women participating in the peaceful sit-in had their clothes torn and women and men were beaten with sticks. Several were arrested for defying the ban on protests. In India, there.."s a large gulf between those who have wealth and power and those who do.."t. Roughly 300 million out of one billion people live in poverty, some facing a lifetime of bonded labour and the constant threat of starvation, while others enjoy an extremely affluent lifestyle.

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My Blog

My lunch date with the clippers!!

Today I had a very interesting lunch date with a pair of clippers........that's right clippers!  I was leaving the cafeteria after eating my lunch when I noticed a fairly large crowd gathere...
Posted by Shandie on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 02:49:00 PST

About Me

ARE YOU:..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   1. A Cuddler?: Yes 2. A morning person?: Yes 3. Are you a perfectionist?: Yes 5. Happy?: Yes 6. In your pajamas...
Posted by Shandie on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 01:33:00 PST

It doesn't interest me

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.I want to know what you ache for,and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are.I want to know if you ...
Posted by Shandie on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST

I BELIEVE................

I believe -  we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel I believe - that it is not always enough to be forgiven by others,  you also have to learn to forgive yourself...
Posted by Shandie on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 03:11:00 PST